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ÿEarth Sciences Sector
Natural Resources Canada > Earth Sciences Sector > International Division
Guidelines for Client Satisfaction
Measurement Activity
6. A Supporting Framework for Client Satisfaction Measurement Within ESS
Previous (5. Common Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them)Index (Guidelines for Client Satisfaction Measurement Activity)Next (7. Examples of Best Practices Within ESS)

The following forms part of the supporting framework for conducting client satisfaction measurement initiatives within ESS.

Guidelines - these guidelines are meant to be used as a tool to support client satisfaction measurement activity across the Sector. The guidelines form the cornerstone of a "resource kit" which will include copies of surveys, etc. from areas within ESS and/or NRCan. This kit will be made available upon request for anyone considering an initiative.

"Trade offs may be needed between the quality of the information and the cost of collecting, processing, and reporting it in a timely manner."
Treasury Board, Oct. 1991

Coordination & Support - for coordination purposes, a registry of initiatives occurring across the Sector will be developed and maintained. The registry form will provide ESS with a profile of the types of initiatives that are taking place across the Sector and enable us to put you in contact with others who may have undertaken an initiative similar to your own. This provides the Sector with a greater capacity to coordinate activity, to share ideas and resources, and to develop a more comprehensive system of measurement. Registry forms (a sample of which is included in Appendix B) will be required to be filled out at the time of project inception, and will outline information such as rationale, collection methods, contact person, etc. These forms will be made available through the International Division office (telephone 996-9559).

From a consultative or support perspective, as part of the framework, advice for your particular initiative can be obtained through NRCan Communications (as well as ESS Communications), International Division, or the Sector Quality Management Advisor (See Appendix A, Key Contacts). If you are unsure as to whom to contact for your particular concern relating to CSM, contact the International Division office at 996-9559 for assistance.

Depending on the particular product or service as well as your client types, it may be worthwhile to include in your surveys non-users, former users, and users of alternatives - to assist in determining why a particular product/service is not being used (therefore perhaps how to increase your market share).

Client Database Development - client databases of varying types and formats exist throughout ESS. Development of these databases is important to support client satisfaction measurement. The International Division encourages and supports client database development including standardized approaches to capturing data which will make it easier to obtain feedback directly from clients. (Some areas of ESS, such as the Satellite Acquisition Services in CCRS, are currently using commercially available software programs to track and monitor client activity).

Training - training and support for CSM and quality improvement is coordinated through the Sector Quality Management Advisor (see Appendix A, Key Contacts).

Sector-Wide Indicators - Corporate priorities and business goals as identified in the Sector Business Plan will have an influence on the aspects of client satisfaction you choose to measure (as an example, now that Service Standards are in place for most areas of ESS, the focus will now shift to the measurement stage).

"By providing more information to the citizen you may be able to change their expectations. This in itself can lead to greater satisfaction without changing the product or service at all."
Canadian Centre for Management Dev., Service Quality Workshop, Nov. 1995

Previous (5. Common Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them)Index (Guidelines for Client Satisfaction Measurement Activity)Next (7. Examples of Best Practices Within ESS)

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