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Scientific and Technical Publishing Services
Editorial/Digital Design
Current Research Instructions
.Figure preparation
.Preparation instructions

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Natural Resources Canada > Earth Sciences Sector > Publishing Services > Editorial/Digital Design
Current Research Instructions
  Next (Guidelines for figure preparation)

See also: Detailed preparation instructions.

General Information

Manuscripts can be submitted for publication at any time during the year and will be released on the Web as they are completed. Note that all articles submitted must be part of the Sector Project System, and that Program Managers and Project Leaders must be clearly identified.

As speedy production time remains a priority, size restrictions (number of words, figures, and tables) will be maintained. See Reminders for details.

Official release of each article will be announced through the GSC Information Circular. A Current Research section is accessible from the left-hand side bar. Articles are grouped into traditional geographic areas (e.g. Cordillera and Pacific Margin), Radiogenic Age and Isotopic Studies, and the Geological Survey of Canada Radiocarbon Date List.

A Current Research CD-ROM will be produced at the end of each calendar year. It will include all contributions released that year.

Some submission deadlines may be necessary for accommodating special events, such as the Cordilleran Roundup. These deadlines are to be negotiated in advance with the Managing Editor .

How to submit your manuscript and digital files

A printed copy of your manuscript, as well as a digital version, must be submitted to the Digital Design Coordinator.

Digital files can be submitted in one of three ways:

  • on a CD-ROM;
  • on the common Q:\ Scratch drive. If you use the common drive, advise the Digital Design Coordinator so that files can be retrieved immediately, as this drive is purged periodically;
  • via File Transfer Protocol (FTP) to the following site:
    • login = anonymous
    • Password = your email address
    • Go to subdirectory ess
    • Go to ess_pub
    • Go to incoming

    Copy your files to this FTP location. Send an email to the Digital Design Coordinator so the files can be retrieved in a timely manner.

Submission checklist

To avoid delays due to the submission of incomplete manuscripts, please ensure that the contents are checked against the following list of requirements. Each manuscript will be reviewed in detail at the time of submission and returned if incomplete.

The checklist is as follows:

  • Formal Publication Permission-to-Publish Form (PUB 3010; go to Forms page to view sample), filled out and approved through the ESSPPI system (accessible to ESS employees only)

  • One Critical Reviewer's Appraisal Form (PUB 3012; go to Forms page to view sample), filled out and approved through the ESSPPI system (accessible to ESS employees only)

  • Digital version of your manuscript

  • A matching double-spaced printout of your manuscript

  • All line drawings in digital format (preferably using colour not geological patterns)

  • A matching print-out of all line drawings (in colour if you are using colour)

  • All photos in digital format

  • A print-out of all photos

  • In the event that the Author will be unavailable to check page proofs, an alternative must be designated.


  • Abstracts must be 150 words or less.

  • Clearly identify all media submitted to DDU with author's name and title of manuscript.

  • The maximum length for a manuscript, including text, references, and figure and table captions, is 5000 words. Manuscripts must be accompanied by a word count.

  • Figures, tables and other illustrations must not cover more than 5 printed pages.

  • Figures, tables, and other illustrations must be submitted in digital format and hard copy with the manuscript. See Guidelines for figure preparation.

  • Manuscripts that do not conform to guidelines will be returned to your Division Director.

  • Outside contributors are invited to submit their e-mail address where possible.

  Next (Guidelines for figure preparation)

2006-06-09Important notices