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Canadian Geographical Names Natural Resources Canada GeoConnections

Canadian Geographical Names
Natural Resources Canada

Geographical Name Search Service
Name Search Advanced Search Help   User's Guide

GNSS API - English
This documents intended audience is for application developers using the GNSS API as a web service. This documents covers:
A User’s Guide is now available (as of 2 November 2005). It describes the access to the API and shows many examples of its usage and options. The WFS Web Service, similar to the API, is another method to receive automatic responses from the CGNS. The WFS follows international standards developed by the Open Geospatial Consortium. WFS access is also described in the GNSS User’s Guide. The API was created to simplify the access to the WFS, to validate the requests, to return informative error messages, and to provide a simple way to get automatic answers for complex requests of geographical names.

GNSS User’s Guide (version 1.1) [PDF]

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API Parameters
Parameter Name Rule Default Example
geoname Exclusion rule applies.
Maximum length is 100 characters.
Minimum length is two characters.
none Montreal
Saint John
cgndbKey Exclusion rule applies.
Fixed length of 5 characters, all alphabetic, upper case.
none AAAAA
featureId Exclusion rule applies.
Maximum 10 digits.
none 1234567890
dateSince YYYY-MM-DD none 2003-01-23
bbox Exclusion rule applies.
none -142.0,0.0:-52.0,84.0
circle Exclusion rule applies.
x, y, radius,
Radius represents a measurement in kilometers.
none -142.0,0.0, 5
regionCode 2 digit number.
Comma separated list.
If no regionCode is provided, all are searched. 10
conciseCode Maximum size is 10 characters.
Comma separated list.
If no conciseCode is provided, all are searched. UPN
match exact
exact exact
output xml
xml csv
datum EPSG:4267 EPSG:4267 EPSG:4267
ntsMap Maximum one map none 031G05
language en or fr en en
order geoname, regionCode or conciseCode geoname geoname


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Error Codes
Error Code Translation
1000 The request had insufficient data.
1001 The Post to WFS failed.
1002 Connection to WFS was not established.
1003 Failed to receive proper response from WFS.
1004 Failed to parse response from WFS.
1005 Max Allowed Results Reached.
2000 Invalid number of coordinates in bbox parameter
2001 The bbox or circle coordinate is not a valid number
2002 Longitude value must be from -180 to 180 degrees
2003 Latitude value must be from -90 to 90 degrees
2004 Maximum latitude or longitude vlaue must be greater than the corresponding minimum value
2005 Invalid number of coordinates in circle parameter
2006 Invalid radius value, must be greater then 0 km
2010 Invalid date format in dateSince parameter.
Format is dd-mm-yyyy (08-24-1967)
2015 Invalid datum value supplied
2020 One of the feature values provided is invalid
2025 Invalid language value provided
2030 Invalid number of characters for the geoname,
must be greater than 2 and less than 100 characters in length
2035 Invalid match value provided
2040 Invalid order value provided
2045 Invalid output value provided
2050 The refer value is not a valid URL
2055 One of region values provided is invalid
2060 Invalid cgndbKey value. Must be composed of alphabetic characters only.
2210 Must include at least one of bbox, circle, featureId, key, dateSince,
or geoname parameter in the request
2220 Cannot specify any of bbox, circle, dateSince, feature, featureId,
match, geoname, ntsMap or region parameters when the key parameter is used
2230 Cannot specify any of bbox, circle, dateSince, feature, key, match,
geoname, ntsMap or region parameters when the featureId parameter is used
2240 Cannot specify a bbox and a circle parameter in the same request
2250 Cannot specify a match parameter when a geoname parameter is not provided
2300 Invalid parameter in HTTP request

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Concise Codes
Code Term
VILG Village
HAM Hamlet
UNP Unincorporated area
MUN1 Major municipal/district area - major agglomeration
MUN2 Other municipal/district area - miscellaneous
DMUN District municipality
IR Indian Reserve
GEOG Geographical area
PARK Conservation area
MIL Military area
RIV River
SPRG Spring
CHAN Channel
FALL Falls
RAP Rapids
RIVF River feature
BCH Beach
SHL Shoal
ISL Island
MTN Mountain
VALL Valley
PLN Plain
GLAC Glacier
CRAT Crater
CLF Cliff
FOR Forest
VEGL Low vegetation
SEAF Sea feature
SEAU Undersea feature
RAIL Railway feature
ROAD Road feature
AIR Air navigation feature
MAR Marine navigation feature
HYDR Hydraulic construction
RECR Recreational site
CAMP Miscellaneous campsite
RES Natural resources site
SITE Miscellaneous site
MISC Miscellaneous
PROV Province
TERR Territory

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Region Codes
Code Translation
10 Newfoundland and Labrador
11 Prince Edward Island
12 Nova Scotia
13 New Brunswick
24 Quebec
35 Ontario
46 Manitoba
47 Saskatchewan
48 Alberta
59 British Columbia
60 Yukon
61 Northwest Territories
62 Nunavut

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How to use the Refer functionality of the GNSS Application

The GNSS application has the ability to allow application developers to seemlessly incorporate GNSS services into their own application. Other applications can redirect users to the GNSS application, while not leaving the flow of their own application, by use of parameters: The refer key, which will contain the http url of the calling application. Example:

Using the GNSS application in this manner allows a user to use to the GNSS search page, perform a search, select a GEONAME from the search results returned in the results page, and then click the OK button.

What does this do? On the special case that someone has entered the GNSS application with a refer value, an OK button is displayed. Once the user has selected an item from the list of return items, the GNSS application redirects the user back to the original application, and includes in the url ( QUERY STRING ), the latitude, longitude, and geoname selected. These values are available to the calling application by way of the query string.

An optional Language value can be use in conjunction with the refer. Including the language parameter will enable the pages to be displayed in the language specified, either English or French. If the language is unspecified, the default language is English.

For English services:

For French services:

An example explaining how the Refer application works and may be implemented into your applications is given at:

There are optional keys that can be used for the refer component.
  • conciseCode can contain comma separated values specified in the Concise Code table.
  • regionCode can contain comma separated values specified in the Region Code table.
  • geoname can contain the complete or partial name of the place name you are searching for.
  • match If a geoname is specified, this determines if there is a leading edge or exact search.

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Exclusion Rules
If you are using cgndbKey or featureId, then geoname, bbox, circle cannot be used.


2003-04-08 4.1 Important Notices