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Climate Change
Palliser Triangle
.Contribution Series

Geological Survey of Canada
Geological Survey of Canada

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Natural Resources Canada > Earth Sciences Sector > Geological Survey of Canada > Climate Change
Palliser Triangle Global Change Project
Contribution Series

  1. Vance, R.E., Mathewes,R.W., and J.J. Clague.
    1992. A 7000-year record of lake-level change on the northern Great Plains: a high resolution proxy of past climate. Geology, 20: 879-882.

  2. Vance, R.E., Clague, J.J., and R.W. Mathewes.
    1993. Holocene paleohydrology of a hypersaline lake in southeastern Alberta. Journal of Paleolimnology, 8: 103-120.

  3. Last, W.M.
    1992. The chemical composition of saline and subsaline lakes of the northern Great Plains, western Canada. International Journal of Salt Lake Research, 1: 47-76.

  4. Last, W.M.
    1994. Paleohydrology of playas in the northern Great Plains: perspectives from Palliser's Triangle. In Paleoclimate and Basin Evolution of Playa Systems, edited by M.R. Rosen. Geological Society of America, Special Paper 289: 69-80.

  5. Last, W.M.
    1993. Geolimnology of Freefight Lake: an unusual hypersaline lake in the northern Great Plains of western Canada. Sedimentology, 40: 431-448.

  6. Last, W.M.
    1993. Rates of sediment deposition in a hypersaline lake in the northern Great Plains, western Canada. International Journal of Salt Lake Research, 2: 47-58

  7. Beaudoin, A.B.
    1993. A compendium and evaluation of postglacial pollen records in Alberta. Canadian Journal of Archeology, 17: 92-112.

  8. Last, W.M., and D.J. Sauchyn.
    1993. Mineralogy and lithostratigraphy of Harris Lake, southwestern Saskatchewan, Canada. Journal of Paleolimnology, 9: 23-39.

  9. Last, W.M.
    1994. Deep-water evaporite mineral formation in lakes of western Canada. In Sedimentology and Geochemistry of Modern and Ancient Saline Lakes, edited by Renaut, R.W. and W.M. Last. Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Special Publication Number 50 : 51-59.

  10. Lemmen, D.S., Dyke, L.D., and Edlund, S.A.
    1993. The Geological Survey of Canada's Integrated Research and Monitoring Area (IRMA) Projects: a contribution to Canadian Global Change Research. Journal of Paleolimnology, 9: 77-83.

  11. Lyons, W.B., Hines, H.E., Last, W.M., and Lent, R.M.
    1994. Sulfate reduction rates in microbial mat sediments of differing chemistries; implications for organic carbon preservation in saline lakes. In Sedimentary Records of Modern and Ancient Salt Lakes, edited by Renaut, R.W. and W.M. Last. Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Special Publication Number 50: 13-20.

  12. Vance, R.E., and Mathewes, R.W.
    1994. Modern pollen and plant macrofossil deposition in a hypersaline prairie lake basin. Canadian Journal of Botany, 74: 539-548.

  13. O'Hara, S.L. and Campbell, I.A.
    1993. Holocene geomorphology and stratigraphy of the lower Falcon Valley, Dinosaur Provincial Park, Alberta, Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 9: 1846-1852.

  14. Last, W.M.
    1993. Salt dissolution features in saline lakes of the northern Great Plains, western Canada. Geomorphology, 8: 321-334.

  15. Vance, R.E., and Last, W.M.
    1994. Paleolimnology and global change on the southern Canadian prairies. Current Research 1994-B; Geological Survey of Canada: 49-58.

  16. Sack, L.A., and Last, W.M.
    1994. Lithostratigraphy and recent sedimentation history of Little Manitou Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada. Journal of Paleolimnology, 10: 199-212.

  17. Vreeken, W.J.
    1994. A Holocene soil-geomorphic record from the Ham Site near Frontier, southwestern Saskatchewan. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 31: 532-543.

  18. Wolfe, S.A., Huntley, D.J., and Ollerhead, J.
    1995. Recent and late Holocene sand dune activity in southwestern Saskatchewan. Current Research 1995-B; Geological Survey of Canada, 131-140.

  19. Last, W.M., Teller, J.T., and Forester, R.M.
    1994. Paleohydrology and paleochemistry of Lake Manitoba, Canada: the isotope and ostracode records. Journal of Paleolimnology, 12: 269-282.

  20. Sauchyn, D.J.
    1994. GIS modelling of agricultural soil loss in a Plains glacial landscape. Quaternary International, 20: 163-170.

  21. Pennock, D.J., Lemmen, D.S., and de Jong, E.
    1995. 137Cesium-measured erosion rates for soils of five parent material groups in southern Saskatchewan. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 75, 205-210.

  22. Vance, R.E., and Wolfe, S.A.
    1996.. Geological indicators of water resources in semi-arid environments: southwestern interior of Canada; in Geoindicators: Assessing Rapid Environmental Changes in Earth Systems, ed. A.R. Berger and W.J. Iams; A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, p. 251-263.

  23. Vance, R.E., Beaudoin, A.B., and Luckman, B.H.
    1995. The paleoecological record of 6K climate in the Canadian prairie provinces. Geographie physique et Quaternaire, 49: 81-98.

  24. Wilson, S.E., Smol, J.P., and Sauchyn, D.J.
    1997 A Holocene paleosalinity diaton record from southwestern Saskatchewan, Canada: Harris Lake revisited. Journal of Paleolimnology, 17: 23-31.

  25. Sauchyn, D.J., and Lemmen, D.S.
    1996 Impacts of landsliding in the western Cypress Hills, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Current Research 1996-B, Geological Survey of Canada, 7-14.

  26. Vance, R.E.
    1997 The Geological Survey of Canada's Palliser Triangle Global Change Project: a multidisciplinary geolimnological approach to predicting potential global change impacts on the Northern Great Plains. Journal of Paleolimnology, 17: 3-8.

  27. Last, W.M., and Vance, R.E.
    1997 Bedding characteristics of Holocene sediments from salt lakes of the nothern Great Plains, western Canada. Journal of Paleolimnology , 17, 297-318

  28. Vreeken, W.J.
    1996 A chronogram for postglacial soil-landscape change from the Palliser Triangle, Canada. The Holocene, 6: 433-438.

  29. Vinebrook, R., Hall, R.I., and Leavitt, P.
    submitted Fossil pigment records of algal and bacterial response to altered climate and land use in the northern Great Plains. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Research.

  30. Wolfe, S.A.
    1997 Impact of increased aridity on sand dune activity in the Canadian prairies; Journal of Arid Environments, 36: 421-432.

  31. Sauchyn, D.J.
    1996 A conceptual framework for mapping landscape sensitivity in the southern Canadian Interior Plains; Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science., 100: 61-72

  32. Lemmen, D.S.
    in press Landscapes of the Palliser Triangle: a field guide to the geomorphology and paleoenvironmental record of southwestern Saskatchewan; Geological Survey of Canada Miscellaneous Report

  33. Vance, R.E., Last, W.M., and Smith, A.J.
    1997 Hydrologic and climatic implications of a multidisciplinary study of late Holocene sediment from Kenosee Lake, southeastern Saskatchewan, Canada; Journal of Paleolimnology., 18: 1-29

  34. Campbell, C., and Campbell, I.A.
    1997. Calibration, review and geomorphic implications of postglacial radiocarbon ages in southeastern Alberta, Canada; Quaternary Research, 47: 37-44.

  35. Lemmen, D.S., Vance, R.E., Campbell, I.A., David, P.P., Pennock, D.J., Sauchyn, D.J., and Wolfe, S.A.
    in press Geomorphic systems of the Palliser Triangle, southern Canadian prairies: description and response to changing climate; Geological Survey of Canada Bulletin 521

  36. Last, W.M., Vance, R.E., Wilson, S., and Smol, J.P.
    in press A multi-proxy record of early Holocene hydrologic change on the northern Great Plains of southwestern Saskatchewan, Canada, The Holocene

  37. Yansa, C.H.
    in press Holocene paleovegetation and paleohydrology of a prairie pothole in southern Saskatchewan, Canada, Journal of Paleolimnology

  38. Lemmen, D.S., Vance, R.E., Wolfe, S.A., and Last, W.M.
    1997 Impacts of future climate change on the southern Canadian prairies: a paleoenvironmental perspective, Geoscience Canada, 24, 121-133.

  39. Shang, Y, and Last, W.M.
    in press Mineralogy, lithostratigraphy and inferred geochemical history of North Ingebright Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada; in Lemmen, D.S., and Vance, R.E. (eds), Holocene Climate and Environmental Changes in the Palliser Triangle, southern Canadian Prairies, Geological Survey of Canada Bulletin

  40. Muhs, D.R., and Wolfe, S.A.
    in press Sand dunes of the northern Great Plains of Canada and the United States; in Lemmen, D.S., and Vance, R.E. (eds), Holocene Climate and Environmental Changes in the Palliser Triangle, southern Canadian Prairies, Geological Survey of Canada Bulletin

  41. Huntley, D.J., and Lian, O.
    in press Determining when a sediment was last exposed to sunlight by optical dating; in Lemmen, D.S., and Vance, R.E. (eds), Holocene Climate and Environmental Changes in the Palliser Triangle, southern Canadian Prairies, Geological Survey of Canada Bulletin

  42. Wilson, S.E., and Smol, J.P.
    in press Diatom-based salinity reconstructions from Palliser Triangle lakes: a summary of two Saskatchewan case studies; in Lemmen, D.S., and Vance, R.E. (eds), Holocene Climate and Environmental Changes in the Palliser Triangle, southern Canadian Prairies, Geological Survey of Canada Bulletin

  43. Yansa, C.H., and Basinger, J.F.
    in press A postglacial plant macrofossil record of vegetation and climate change in southern Saskatchewan; in Lemmen, D.S., and Vance, R.E. (eds), Holocene Climate and Environmental Changes in the Palliser Triangle, southern Canadian Prairies, Geological Survey of Canada Bulletin

  44. Leavitt, P.R., Vinebrooke, R.D., Hall, R.I., Wilson, S.E., Smol, J.P., Vance, R.E., and Last, W.M.
    in press Multiproxy record of prairie lake response to climate change and human activities: Clearwater Lake, Saskatchewan; in Lemmen, D.S., and Vance, R.E. (eds), Holocene Climate and Environmental Changes in the Palliser Triangle, southern Canadian Prairies, Geological Survey of Canada Bulletin

  45. Spence, C.D., and Sauchyn, D.J.
    in press Groundwater influence on valley head geomorphology, upper Battle Creek basin, Alberta and Saskatchewan; in Lemmen, D.S., and Vance, R.E. (eds), Holocene Climate and Environmental Changes in the Palliser Triangle, southern Canadian Prairies, Geological Survey of Canada Bulletin

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