Natural Resources CanadaGovernment of Canada
Satellite image of CanadaGeomatics for northern development 
Earth Observation Tools for Monitoring Human-Environment Interactions in the North

Activity: Development of Local Geospatial Data Infrastructures as Tools for Land Management

Our Northern stakeholders have expressed a great need for terrain information, especially at larger scales, to enable informed decision-making and development strategies for economic growth and resource management.

In response to this need, this activity has focused on developing, testing and evaluating methodologies for using multi-sensor Earth observation tools like high resolution IKONOS satellite imagery, to produce large scale, fundamental spatial data, that is easily accessible to local and remote users.

Here are some applications where this new methodology has proven useful.

Athabasca, Kearl Lake

74E06 Kearl Lake, Alberta
50km North of Fort McMurray

For more information about this activity, please contact Costas Armenakis
