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National Afforestation Inventory Map of Forest 2020 PDA Sites

Updated: June 2005

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The Forest 2020 PDA Initiative is establishing a network of fast-growing plantation demonstration sites across Canada, mainly on private lands, to test and improve our biological information and demonstrate the contribution from fast-growing trees to help offset greenhouse gas emissions.

The demonstration portion of Forest 2020 is made up of approximately 6000 hectares spread evenly across Canada. The demonstration sites have been allocated to garner participation in each of Canada’s provinces and to represent Canada’s diverse range of ecological areas.

National Afforestation InventoryOur Sites
The CFS has developed an on-line afforestation reporting database called the National Afforestation Inventory (NAI). The NAI is a database that is linked to the CFS’s Carbon Budget Model for the purposes of forecasting carbon sequestration from afforestation in Canada. The NAI may also prove useful for any future Carbon Offset Trading system. This on-line database is hosted by the National Forest Information System and can be accessed by clicking the above logo.

Future afforestation projects are expected to report their activities to a carbon tracking system to verify carbon offsets and facilitate national reporting. The CAT’s internet based reporting tool was developed to facilitate reporting of future afforestation projects (e.g., Forest 2020 PDA and other afforestation actions that may arise from the development of an offset trading system). This system links an inventory of afforestation projects with spatial information and CBM-CFS2 to track Canadian carbon sequestration efforts. Users can input and access information with any internet browser. CAT also drew on their experience developing the national database for compiling information on historical afforestation.

Our Partners
The CFS has entered into partnerships with private landowners, woodlot associations, first nations, municipalities and other interested parties to deliver a network of demonstration plantations across Canada. CFS regional offices have leveraged existing networks and established organizations to liase with participating landowners and potential Forest 2020 PDA participants.

Our Trees
The demonstrations use a variety of fast-growing species to achieve a target yield of several times the average yield of a natural forest. Canada’s natural forest grows at an average rate of 2 m3 per hectare per year. Forest 2020 PDA sites have been planted with species that are expected to achieve growth rates of 8 m3/ha/yr or better. Some of our demonstration plantations have experienced initial growth rates indicating that growth on those sites may reach up to 25 m3/ha/yr!

Participating Landowners
Many landowners from differing backgrounds have offered to participate in the Forest 2020 PDA Initiative. Landowners have ranged from: private citizens in rural areas, farmers, forest industry companies, first nation groups, and other federal government departments.

Our Regions
The Forest 2020 PDA Initiative is being delivered through our regional offices. The CFS maintains five regional forest centres across Canada. Each region has been operating according to regional requirements and physical capabilities. The operational area of each regional office is described below:

Further Information
More information on the Ontario Forest 2020 PDA Initiative, including a "Review of Best Practices for Tree Planting on Marginal Agricultural Lands in Ontario", can be found at:

For a review of recommended growing practices in Quebec, please read the following paper:

For a review of recommended growing practices in Ontario, please read the following paper:

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