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Geological Survey of Canada
Directory of Geoscience Expertise

Ken Ford

Name: Ken Ford


Organization: GSC Central Canada

Location: Ottawa, Ontario (map)


applications of gamma-ray spectrometry (airborne & ground) for regional and detailed geological mapping (bedrock & surficial), mineral exploration and environmental radiation monitoring


Following a summer with the Ontario Geological Survey (1973) and 2 summers with the GSC, Ken obtained his B.Sc. in Geology from Carleton University (1975), and joined the Radiometric Methods Section (now Radiation Geophysics Section) of the GSC. Since then, he has been actively engaged in compilation and interpretation of airborne gamma-ray spectrometry data in regional & national multi-year, multi-disciplinary projects. Ken completed his M.Sc. in Geology at Carleton University in 1983.

Ken's work has taken him to every province in Canada and the Northwest Territories. He has given numerous talks and workshops on the applications of gamma-ray spectrometry, in Canada and the world (Iran, Brazil) on behalf of the GSC, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA).


List of publications for Ken Ford (from GEOSCAN)

2005-12-29Important notices