National Capital Commission - Canada

The Official Languages Act (OLA) contains three objectives that involve the public in general and federal employees in particular. These objectives, which form the basis of the Official Languages Program of the NCC, are as follows:

  • Members of the public must be able to communicate and receive services from the NCC in the official language of their choice;
  • In accordance with the section of the OLA on language of work, NCC employees should as a general rule be able to work in the official language of their choice within the NCC; and
  • While respecting the merit principle, the composition of the workforce of the NCC must reflect the full participation of both English-speaking Canadians and French-speaking Canadians.

The NCC also provides an annual report to Canadian Heritage on the implementation of section 41 of the OLA, which focuses on our commitment to helping official-language minority communities develop and flourish.

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Modified: Monday July 31, 2006
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