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Interpreted lithospheric cross section from the Pacific Ocean to the Rocky Mountains. Please view Lithoprobe poster under Classroom/media section.
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Special Issues on the following transects have been published in the Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences:

- Slave Northern Cordillera, CJES, V42, No. 6, June 2005.
See Journal's cover and List of Papers (300Kb)

- Trans-Hudson Orogen, CJES, V42, No. 4, April 2005.
See Journal's cover and List of Papers (300Kb)

UNIQUE! A new children's book about LITHOPROBE: Dancing Elephants & Floating Continents - The story of Canada beneath your feet - written by John Wilson and published by Key Porter Books.

Accompany Teachers' Guide (2Mb) for Dancing Elephants & Floating Continents - The story of Canada beneath your feet is now available.


Access the LITHOPROBE seismic and MT data archive:
Seismic reflection, refraciton and magnetotelluric (MT) data collected by LITHOPROBE in its 10 transects across Canada now are archived at the Seismology and Electromagnetic Section of the Geological Survey of Canada. These data are available for interested companies, institutions and individuals. Please visit:

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LITHOPROBE is Canada's major national research project in the earth sciences. It combines multidisciplinary earth science studies of the Canadian landmass and surrounding offshore margins to determine how the northern North American continent has formed over geological time from 4000 million years ago to the present.

LITHOPROBE is funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada and the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC), Natural Resources Canada.

The LITHOPROBE Final Report 2002-03 to 2004-05 was submitted to NSERC in July, 2005. To view the contents of the report please click on image (Adobe Acrobat).

NSERC Final Report 2002-03 (1.7Mb)

Trans-Canada Crustal Cross-Section
A profile spanning the continent that shows crustal and upper mantle structure from the surface to 80 km depth.

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