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Natural Resources Canada > Earth Sciences Sector > International Division
Earth Sciences Sector : International/National Memoranda of Understanding


Last updated: October 2, 2006


  • Country
  • Organisation
  • Sector/ Division

Country Organisation Sector/ Division Subject/ Title Type YR-M-D Signed Expiry Activity Agreement
Andean Community General Secretariat Andean Community General Secretariat (SGCA) ESS Cooperation in the Field of Earth Sciences MOU 2006-06-02 2011-06-02 see subject Details [PDF, 374.5 kb]
Argentina Direccion National Del Servicio Geologico GSC Provide a framework for cooperation in joint investigation and scientific exchanges concerning the geological sciences. MOU 1995-01-24 open Exchange of visits of individual scientists, scientific and technical information including specimens and standards. Collaboration on individual research problems of mutual interest and the study of techniques and methods; Details [PDF, 284.0 kb]
Australia Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation and The Canadian Space Agency CCRS Establish a managerial framework for cooperative activities between the Parties related specifically to the development and operational phases of the Hyperspectral Imaging Project MOU 2002-04-08 open see subject Details [PDF, 309.7 kb]
Brazil Companhia de Pesquisa de Recursos Minerais GSC Provides a framework for cooperation in joint investigations and scientific exchanges concerning the geological sciences, on subjects of mutual interest. MOU 1995-06-16 open see subject Details [PDF, 197.6 kb]
Brasil Fundaçao Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatistica (IBGE) ESS Capacity-Building Workshop in Brazil; the Canadian Geoconnections Model Annex 01 2006-08-23 2007-03-31 see subject Details [PDF]
Brasil Fundaçao Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatistica (IBGE) ESS Cooperation in the Field of Earth Sciences MOU 2006-05-30 2011-05-30 see subject Details [PDF, 359.4 kb]
Cambodia Mekong River Commisssion (MRC) ESS Cooperation in Advanced Earth Observation and Geomatics MOU 2002-11-27 2007-11-27 see subject Details [PDF, 162.4 kb]
Canada Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada CCRS Permission to use a Software for scientific purposes MOU 2002-09-24 2007-09-24 Non-exclusive permission to use the software Details [PDF, 357.1 kb]
Canada Alberta Bureau of Surveying and Mapping GC Exchange of geodetic and topographic data MOU 1984-03-05 open see subject Details [PDF, 128.2 kb]
Canada Alberta Energy and Utilities Board NRCAN Government Geoscience Program Coordination in Alberta MOU 1999-01-01 open see subject Details [PDF, 224.8 kb]
Canada Alberta Geological Survey GSC Developing a knowledge and understanding of the Geology of Alberta MOU 1990-08-23 open Formal cooperation should be based on the joint development of annual and long-term plans for geoscience in the province; Such plans should be developed in the context of an integration, where appropriate, of national and provincial objectives and priorities; ... Details [PDF, 215.8 kb]
Canada Alberta Public Lands and Wildlife ESS To improve the availability of maps, charts and related publications in Alberta through the joint development by Canada and Alberta of a distribution system MOU 1985-04-01 open see subject  
Canada Atlantic Provinces Board of Examiners for Land Surveyors GC To promote co-operation amongst the parties by adopting a common core syllabus for use by the parties based on the Canadian Council of Land Surveyors Board of Examiners Co-ordinating Committee policy Accreditation and Reciprocity for Land Surveyors in Canada MOU 1997-02-10 open see subject Details [PDF, 107.3 kb]
Canada Atomic Energy Control Board ESS AECB may, in carrying out its duties, call upon EMR for advice and assistance with respect to matters such as: regional geological matters related to siting of nuclear facilities; assistance in drawing up contracts; ... MOU 1977-07-07 open see subject Details [PDF, 144.2 kb]
Canada Canada-Newfoundland Offshore Petroleum Board GSC Close cooperation in matters related to geoscientific studies and hydrocarbon resource assessment in areas under (C-NOPB) jurisdiction. MOU 2002-01-17 open see subject Details [PDF, 209.8 kb]
Canada Canadian Council on Ecological Areas (CCEA) GC To maintain and provide access to the Canadian Conservation Areas Data Base (CCAD) MOU 1999-11-02 open see subject  
Canada Canadian Council on Geomatics (CCOG) NRCAN The Canadian Geomatics Accord was established to record the interest, the will and the commitment of federal, provincial and territorial governments and Crown corporations to co-operate in geomatics initiatives of mutual interest. MOU 2001-08-16 2006-12-31 see subject Details [PDF, 3.4 Mb]
Canada Canadian Space Agency ESS The exclusive right of use of the official mark 'Geoscope' MOU 1994-01-01 open see subject Details [PDF, 76.2 kb]
Canada Canadian Space Agency GC Technological and Operational Services, and Application Development Support Activities under the Earth and Environment Service Line of the Canadian Space Program MOU 2001-06-28 open see subject Details [PDF, 1.2 Mb]
Canada Canadian Space Agency ESS Cooperation in Advanced Earth Observation and Geomatics MOU 2002-11-27 2007-11-27 see Cambodia Details [PDF, 163.8 kb]
Canada Canadian Wildlife Service Environment Canada and The Canadian Council on Ecological Areas (CCEA) ESS To develop a common national geospatial framework and associated database for conservation areas and protected areas MOU 2002-06-14 open see subject Details [PDF, 399.0 kb]
Canada Carleton University GC Cooperation in the field of Geomatics MOU 2001-11-23 2006-11-23 This MOU establishes a framework for cooperation in joint investigations and scientific exchanges concerning the field of geomatics, on subjects of mutual interest Details [PDF, 4.1 Mb]
Canada Centre for Topographic Information (Ottawa) CTI AND CCRS The use of Toponymic Data MOU 1999-12-16 open see subject Details [PDF, 55.2 kb]
Canada Communication Canada represented by the Communications Operations and Service Sector (COSS) ESS Provision of Geo-Spatial Products to the Depository Services Program MOU 2002-01-03 2007-01-03 Establish a framework for participation in the Depository Services Program (DSP)  
Canada Community Planning and Lands, Department of Community Government and Transportation, Government of Nunavut ESS Cooperation in Surveying & Mapping related Activities MOU 2001-07-18 2006-07-18 see subject Details [PDF, 256.4 kb]
Canada Department of Sustainable Development Nunavut and The Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development (Canada) GSC Canada-Nunavut Geoscience Office MOU 2002-04-04 2008-03-31 see subject Details [PDF, 983.0 kb]
Canada Elections Canada ESS For the use of a Common National Electronic Road Network MOU 2000-10-10 open see subject Details [PDF, 854.2 kb]
Canada Elections Canada ESS To provide the right to EC to distribute to its national stakeholders, for electoral purposes, electoral data spatially referenced on, and including the National Topographic Data base. MOU 1999-06-29 open see subject Details [PDF, 229.5 kb]
Canada GeoAccess Division ESS To consider the Hydrology and Boundary datasets as Framework data for Canada MOU 2001-02-16 open see subject Details [PDF, 93.1 kb]
Canada GeoConnections Program ESS The parties agree to consider the Rail dataset as Framework data for Canada, and to refer to Rail Network as the GeoBase Rail Network Level 0. MOU 2001-03-26 open see subject Details [PDF, 82.2 kb]
Canada Geological Services Branch GSC Understanding of the geology of Manitoba MOU 1990-11-26 open Formal cooperation should be based on the joint development of annual and long-term plans for geoscience in the province; Plans should be developed in the context of an integration, where appropriate, of national and provincial objectives and priorities Details [PDF, 55.4 kb]
Canada Indian and Northern Development Canada (Yukon Region) and the Government of Yukon GC Implementation of a Land Interest Management System (LIMS) MOU 1996-12-15 open The implementation of LIMS will provide a shared, integrated source of land interest information which will be widely used by numerous agencies and be of major importance to many activities within both the Federal and Territorial governments. Details [PDF, 159.4 kb]
Canada Industry Canada's Schoolnet GC To provide a framework for establishing a partnership between the GeoAccess Division of NRCan and Industry Canada's Schoolnet. MOU 2000-09-12 open This partnership will develop and implement GrassRoots/ Canadian Community Atlas projects in Canadian K-12 schools and populate the Canadian Communities Project Registry of geography-related online projects.  
Canada Institute for Research in Construction GSC To process seismograph film records and send the results to IRC. In exchange, IRC will transfer the ownership of the nine Hydro Québec SMA-1 seismographs to the GSC MOU 1989-12-20 open see subject Details [PDF, 94.8 kb]
Canada Memorial University of Newfoundland GSC Collaboration in the Field of Geoscience related to Offshore Petroleum MOU 2004-07-06 2008-07-06 see subject Details [PDF, 100.6 kb]
Canada Ministère de l'Energie et des Ressources du Québec GSC Echanger une partie des données bibliographiques des banques EXAMINE et GEOSCAN; Fixer les modalités d'échange de données et de préciser l'utilisation permise et les restrictions à l'utilisation de ces données par chacun des participants MOU 1989-11-06 open see subject Details [PDF, 118.0 kb]
Canada National Defense ESS Annex B : Aeronautical Product and Services Annex 1 2004-09-28 2009-09-28 see subject Details [PDF, 704.0 kb]
Canada National Defense ESS Annex C : Paper Topographic Maps Annex 2 2004-09-28 open see subject Details [PDF, 90.7 kb]
Canada National Defense GC To establish a framework of cooperation between the Participants MOU 1995-11-10 open To exchange information and expertise on mapping and geomatics activities; To enter into joints projects, and to share cost arrangements and contracts with the other Participants as opportunities occur;...  
Canada National Defense ESS Cooperation on Geomatics products and services related to Mapping MOU 1999-07-19 open Establish a framework of cooperation between the participants. The following Annexes were signed on September 28, 2004 - Annex B - Aeronautical Products and Services. Annex C - Paper Topographic Maps Details [PDF, 343.9 kb]
Canada National Defense (CRTI) NRCAN The Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Research and Technology Initiative (CRTI) MOU 2002-10-28 open To facilitate the implementation and conduct of CRTI projects Details [PDF, 611.6 kb]
Canada National Library of Canada (NLC) ESS Cooperation in the development of "" Images Canada"" MOU 2002-03-25 2007-03-25 see subject Details [PDF, 1.3 Mb]
Canada Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council ESS Cooperative funding of EMR research agreements program and NSERC research partnership program MOU 1989-11-09 open To specify the arrangements and conditions for cooperative EMR and NSERC funding of Canadian university research under the EMR Research Agreements Program and NSERC Science Research Partnership Program Details [PDF, 134.0 kb]
Canada NAV Canada ESS Agreement for the use of Canac ETMS Bulletin MOU 1997-07-10 open see subject Details [PDF, 204.3 kb]
Canada NAV Canada ESS The use of digital data for Canac Data base and other Charts MOU 1997-07-03 open see subject  
Canada Nova Scotia. Department of Service Nova Scotia and municipal Relations GC Cooperative Programs related to access and Maintenance of Digital Topographic Data over Nova Scotia MOU 2001-08-08 2006-08-08 see subject Details [PDF, 289.6 kb]
Canada Nunavut Research Institute PCSP Cooperation in the Delivery of Scientific Research Activities in Nunavut MOU 2001-04-23 2006-04-23 see subject Details [PDF, 124.7 kb]
Canada Programme GéoConnexions ESS Les parties aux présentes conviennent d'intégrer le produit Canada 3D ... titre de modèle numérique d'élévation pour la résolution nationale des données-cadre de l'Infrastructure canadienne de données géospatiales (ICDG). MOU 2001-03-27 open voir sujet Details [PDF, 81.3 kb]
Canada Public Works and Government Services Canada ESS Délégué au ministre de l'Energie, des Mines et des Ressources le pouvoir d'acquérir des biens et des services associés aux services d'impression, d'édition ou d'exposition, la réalisation de films et de vidéos, ... MOU 1992-11-25 open voir sujet  
Canada Science Institute of the Northwest Territories ESS Optimize the support provided to Arctic scientific research and to co-ordinate their respective Arctic operations to achieve maximum efficiency and cost effectiveness MOU 1992-11-13 open see subject Details [PDF, 196.2 kb]
Canada Science North NRCAN Cooperation in Natural Resources Public Education MOU 2002-06-14 2007-06-14 To establish a framework for cooperation between the Participants on the basis of equality and mutual benefit Details [PDF, 245.7 kb]
Canada Science World NRCAN Cooperation in Natural Resources Public Education MOU 2002-10-17 2007-10-17 see subject Details [PDF, 210.9 kb]
Canada Service New Brunswick (SNB) GSD Cooperative Programs related to the maintenance and delivery of the Canadian Spatial Reference System MOU 2002-03-05 2007-03-05 Provides mutually beneficial and complementary activities related to the applications of Global Positioning System (GPS) and the Canadian Active Control System (CACS) Details [PDF, 219.9 kb]
Canada Statistics Canada NRCAN Geomatics Activity Survey MOU 2005-01-28 2009-03-31 To outline arrangements made between Statistics Canada and NRCAN for the budget allocation of surveys listed on Schedule 1, attached to and forming part of this MOU. Details [PDF, 768.4 kb]
Canada Université Laval - Québec ESS Collaboration in Earth Sciences MOU 2003-07-18 2008-07-18 see subject Details [PDF, 604.9 kb]
Canada University of Regina and The Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration GSC GSC has initiated, through the Global Change Program, the Palliser Triangle Integrated Research and Monitoring Area referred to as the Palliser Triangle IRMA). MOU 1995-05-08 open To enhance our understanding of the landscape processes and past environmental change in the drought-prone prairies of western Canada, in order to help predict the potential geologic impact of future global change.  
Chile National Geological and Mining Service of Chile GSC Cooperation in joint investigations and scientific exchanges concerning the geological sciences, on subject of mutual interest. MOU 1999-03-14 open see subject Details [PDF, 218.3 kb]
China Geological Survey, Ministry of Land and Resources, China GSC Annexe 1: Regional Geoscience for Sustainable Development of Western China Annex 1 2002-10-12 2007-03-31 see subject Details [PDF, 202.6 kb]
China Geological Survey, Ministry of Land and Resources, China GSC Cooperation in Geosciences MOU 2001-02-13 2004-02-13 A new Letter of Intent for the Development of Geoscience Projects has been signed on March 15, 2002. A Project Annex #1 titled:""Regional Geoscience for Sustainable Development in Western China"" has been signed on October 12, 2002. This Annex was terminated after an assessment by Canadian scientists. A New Letter of Intent for Cooperation in the Field of Earth Sciences has been signed on November 18, 2004. Details [PDF, 232.4 kb]
China Ministry of Land and Resources, China ESS Annex 1: Exchange of Statistics and Relevant Information on Mine Production and Reserves Annex 1 2005-11-17 2007-11-17 see subject Details [PDF]
China Ministry of Land and Resources, China ESS Annex 2: Experimental Studies of Landslides at Selected Sites in China Annex 2 2005-11-17 2008-06-30 To collaborate on a study of the application of remote sensing technology to further the understanding of landslide hazards for loss reduction purposes Details [PDF, 281.7 kb]
China Ministry of Land and Resources, China ESS Cooperation in Earth Science and in Minerals and Metals MOU 2005-01-20 2010-01-20 see subject Details [PDF, 460.4 kb]
China Ministry of Land and Resources of the People's Republic of China ESS Annex 1: Terms of reference Annex 1 2005-11-17 2010-01-20 Creation of working groups Details [PDF, 360.5 kb]
China Ministry of Water Resources, China NRCAN Cooperation in Water Resources and Earth Sciences and Small and Medium Size Hydropower MOU 2005-11-09 2010-11-09 see subject  
China Seismological Bureau of the People's Republic of China ESS Annex 1: Investigation of Earthquake Precursors Annex 1 2004-11-18 2007-11-18 see subject Details [PDF, 188.9 kb]
China Seismological Bureau of the People's Republic of China GSC Cooperation in the Field of Earthquake Studies MOU 2002-10-14 2007-10-14 To establish a framework for cooperation in the field of earthquake studies and other related field of earth science. A Project Annex #1 titled: ""Investigation of Earthquake Precursors"" has been signed on November 18, 2004. Details [PDF, 1.6 Mb]
Denmark Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, Ministry of the Environment, Denmark ESS Preliminary Work Plan. Data collection in the Region north of Greenland and Ellesmere Island. Annex 1 2005-06-27 2014-03-21 The Participants have initiated a Program to delineate their continental shelves according to Article 76 of UNCLOS Details [PDF, 753.0 kb]
Denmark Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, Ministry of the Environment, Denmark ESS Cooperation relating to the delineation of their Continental Shelves MOU 2005-06-27 2014-03-21 The Participants have initiated a Program to delineate their continental shelves according to Article 76 of UNCLOS Details [PDF, 219.9 kb]
Europe European Space Agency ESS To provide for a long-term continuing framework for close cooperation between Canada and the Agency. MOU 2000-01-01 2010-01-01 see subject Details [PDF, 867.7 kb]
Germany Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources ESS Cooperation in the Geosciences MOU 2003-07-03 2008-07-03 see subject Details [PDF, 1.7 Mb]
Germany GeoForschungsZentrum Postdam GSC Implementation, Management and Operation of the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP) MOU 2001-10-05 2006-10-05 see subject Details [PDF, 648.9 kb]
Hungary Academy of Science, Geodetic and Geophysical Research Institute, Hungary GC Scientific cooperation MOU 1996-01-23 open Cooperation in 3-D gravity modelling, vector and pixel data compression, ADOBE's acrobat, publication of color diagrams, networking, ... Details [PDF, 96.2 kb]
India Government of Andhra Pradesh, India(GoAP) ESS Terms of reference - Working Group on Geospatial Information Technology Annex 1 2005-10-05 2007-11-13 The objective of this Working Group is to identify cooperative activities under the MOU and details of implementation Details [PDF, 85.2 kb]
India Government of Andhra Pradesh, India(GoAP) ESS Cooperation in the field of Geospatial Information Technology MOU 2002-11-13 2007-11-13 see subject Details [PDF, 1.7 Mb]
India Government of Punjab, India ESS Cooperation in the field of Geospatial Information Technology MOU 2003-10-25 2008-10-25 see subject Details [PDF, 430.4 kb]
India Ministry of Mines, India NRCAN Annex 1: Scoping study on Arsenic Toxicity in Groundwater, West Bengal, India Annex 01 2005-04-05 2005-09-01 see subject Details [PDF, 257.0 kb]
India Ministry of Mines, India NRCAN Annex 2: Development of a Mitigation Strategy to Manage Risk from Arsenic Toxicity in Groundwater of West Bengal,India Annex 02 2006-03-07 2009-03-31 see subject  
India Ministry of Mines, India NRCAN Cooperation in the Geosciences MOU 2003-04-01 2008-04-01 see subject Details [PDF, 2.7 Mb]
India Ministry of Science and Technology, India NRCAN Annex 1 - Develop and Conduct a Workshop on the Canada - India Spatial Data Infrastructures Annex 1 2002-11-11 2007-11-11 see subject Details [PDF, 2.7 Mb]
India Ministry of Science and Technology, India NRCAN Cooperation in the field of Geomatics and Spatial Information MOU 2002-11-11 2007-11-11 Implementing Arrangement no #1 - Develop and Conduct a Workshop on the Canada - India Spatial Data Infrastructures Details [PDF, 1.7 Mb]
Iran National Cartographic Center, Iran ESS Development and Strengthening of Cooperation in the Field of Geomatics MOU 2001-04-29 2006-04-29 see subject Details [PDF, 126.6 kb]
Japan Geological Survey of Japan, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (GSJ) GSC Cooperation in the Earth Sciences MOU 2004-01-15 2009-01-15 see subject Details [PDF, 107.8 kb]
Korea Korean Ocean Research and Development Institute (KORDI) GSC Exchange of scientific and technical knowledge and augmentation of scientific and technical capabilities of the GSC and the KORDI. MOU 1998-11-30 open see subject Details [PDF, 146.4 kb]
Laos Mekong River Commisssion (MRC) ESS Cooperation in Advanced Earth Observation and Geomatics MOU 2002-11-27 2007-11-27 see subject Details [PDF, 165.6 kb]
Mexico Consejo De Recursos Minerales, Mexico GSC To establish a reference point for the interchange of scientific and technical knowledge between the parties in the fields of geological sciences and cartography. MOU 1996-06-11 open see subject Details [PDF, 120.2 kb]
Norway Norwegian Space Centre and The Canadian Space Agency CCRS Cooperation in Satellite Remote Sensing MOU 2002-11-06 2007-11-06 Promote cooperation in the field of remote sensing by satellite between themselves, with a view to reinforcing technological and economic development and ties between Canada and Norway Details [PDF, 179.6 kb]
Peru Instituto Geologico Minero Metalurgico (INGEMMET) GSC Records their desire and provides a framework for cooperation in joint investigations and scientific exchanges concerning the geological sciences, on subjects of mutual interest. MOU 1998-11-13 open see subject Details [PDF, 206.8 kb]
Russia All-Russia Research Institute for Geology and Mineral Resources of the World Ocean VNIIOKEANGEOLOGIA GSC To promote joint geological activities MOU 1997-10-02 open see subject Details [PDF, 166.2 kb]
Russia VNIIO (Keangeolgia) VSEGII (Karpinsky Geological Institute) GSC GSC coordinates the Geoscience and Arctic Petroleum component of a Protocol on S&T cooperation between Canada and Russia in the Arctic and the North. Activities are conducted under the Canada Russia Intergovernmental Economic Commission (IEC). MOU ongoing open see subject  
Thailand Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency, Ministry of Science and Technology, Thailand (GISTDA) ESS Annex 1. Develop and conduct a Workshop on Canada/Thailand Spatial Data Infrastructures Annex 01 2003-11-18 2004-03-31 see subject Details [PDF, 736.2 kb]
Thailand Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency, Ministry of Science and Technology, Thailand (GISTDA) ESS Annex 2. Develop and conduct a Workshop on Natural Disaster Mitigation and Management Annex 02 2005-09-29 2006-03-31 see subject Details [PDF, 143.1 kb]
Thailand Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency, Ministry of Science and Technology, Thailand (GISTDA) ESS Cooperation in the field of Geomatics and Spatial Information MOU 2003-11-18 2008-11-18 Implementing Arrangement #1. Develop and conduct a Workshop on Canada/Thailand Spatial Data Infrastructures Details [PDF, 1.6 Mb]
Thailand Mekong River Commisssion (MRC) ESS Annex 1: Earth Observation and Geomatics Support for flood management and environmental monitoring in the Mekong River Basin. Annex 01 2003-12-01 2006-11-30 see subject Details [PDF, 256.9 kb]
Thailand Mekong River Commisssion (MRC) ESS Cooperation in Advanced Earth Observation and Geomatics MOU 2002-11-27 2007-11-27 see subject Details [PDF, 158.0 kb]
U.S.A. Government of U.S.A. ESS Prompt exchange of information on volcanic ash plumes MOU 1993-06-01 open see subject Details [PDF, 146.6 kb]
U.S.A. Government of U.S.A. NRCAN Agreement on the Allocation of IP Rights, Interests and Royalties for IP created or furnished under certain scientific and technological cooperative research activities initialed on May 13, 1996 by representatives of the Government of Canada and the U.S. MOU 1996-05-13 open see subject Details [PDF, 188.5 kb]
U.S.A. Government of U.S.A. ESS International Boundary Treaty TREATY 1925-02-24 open see subject Details [PDF, 283.7 kb]
U.S.A. Illinois State Geological Survey GSC Cooperation in the Earth Sciences Sector MOU 2000-01-24 open see subject Details [PDF, 225.2 kb]
U.S.A. U.S. Geological Survey ESS Annex #1: The Digital Geologic Map Data Model Tool Development Project Annex 01 1999-04-09 2000-03-31 see subject Details [PDF, 107.4 kb]
U.S.A. U.S. Geological Survey ESS Annex #2: Geospatial Infrastructure Collaboration Project Annex 02 2000-03-27 2001-03-31 see subject Details [PDF, 106.9 kb]
U.S.A. U.S. Geological Survey ESS Annex #3: Mallik Gas Hydrate Production Research Well Annex 03 2001-07-23 2003-12-31 see subject Details [PDF, 165.4 kb]
U.S.A. U.S. Geological Survey ESS Annex #4: Development of standardized National Geologic map databases Annex 04 2001-01-19 open see subject Details [PDF, 114.5 kb]
U.S.A. U.S. Geological Survey ESS Annex #5: Volcanic Ash Response Coordination Annex 05 2001-06-08 2004-04-09 see subject Details [PDF, 121.2 kb]
U.S.A. U.S. Geological Survey ESS Annex #6: Hydraulic properties of sedimentary rock aquifer system in the Carboniferous Basin Annex 06 2001-07-23 2002-03-31 see subject Details [PDF, 136.7 kb]
U.S.A. U.S. Geological Survey ESS Annex # 6a: Extension of the hydraulic properties of the sedimentary rock aquifer system in the carboniferous basin in the Maritimes, Canada Annex 06a 2002-06-20 2003-03-31 see subject Details [PDF, 270.6 kb]
U.S.A. U.S. Geological Survey ESS Annex #7: The study of the hydraulic properties of the sedimentary rock aquifer system in the Carboniferous Basin - Phase # 2 Annex 07 2001-08-10 2004-04-09 see subject Details [PDF, 780.9 kb]
U.S.A. U.S. Geological Survey ESS Annex # 8: Adaptation and Assessment of Vulnerability to Climate Change Annex 08 2003-01-15 open see subject  
U.S.A. U.S. Geological Survey ESS Annex #9: Tapestry of Time and Terrane Maps of North America Annex 09 2003-03-13 2004-04-09 see subject Details [PDF, 83.4 kb]
U.S.A. U.S. Geological Survey ESS Annex #10: Development of Framework Data Sets Annex 10 2004-07-07 2007-06-30 see subject Details [PDF, 138.1 kb]
U.S.A. U.S. Geological Survey ESS Annex #11: The study of the hydraulic properties of the sedimentary rocks of the Annapolis valley and Chateauguay Aquifer systems, Canada Phase #1 Annex 11 2004-05-04 2005-03-31 see subject Details [PDF, 662.7 kb]
U.S.A. U.S. Geological Survey ESS Annex #12: The study of risk assessment of geohazards and environmental hazards in the Sea-to-sky and Puget Sound regions Annex 12 2004-09-29 2007-03-31 see subject Details [PDF, 454.3 kb]
U.S.A. U.S. Geological Survey ESS Annex #13:The study of the hydraulic properties of the sedimentary rocks of the Annapolis valley and Chateauguay Aquifer systems, Canada Phase #2 Annex 13 2005-04-25 2006-03-31 see subject Details [PDF, 791.0 kb]
U.S.A. U.S. Geological Survey ESS Annex #14: Canada-US Project on Disaster Reduction using GEOSS Principles Annex 14 2005-05-04 2006-06-30 see subject Details [PDF, 327.4 kb]
U.S.A. U.S. Geological Survey ESS Annex #15: Analysis of improved government geological map information for mineral exploration: Incorporating efficiency, productivity, effectiveness and risk considerations Annex 15 2006-07-07 2007-03-31 see subject
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U.S.A. U.S. Geological Survey ESS Exchange of scientific and technical knowledge and augmentation of scientific and technical capabilities of the USGS and ESS MOU 1999-04-09 open   Details [PDF, 275.2 kb]
U.S.A. United States Department of the Interior ESS A project on international border mapping MOU 1992-03-12 open Establish general coordination of existing programs; sharing information on data that exist; Identify the project areas that have high priority in support of the parties' objectives; Identify the essentials elements that need to be incorporated into the data bases of the parties;... Details [PDF, 209.5 kb]
U.S.A. United States Department of the Interior GC For the Direct Reception and Distribution of Landsat 7 Data MOU 1999-09-10 open see subject Details [PDF, 214.7 kb]
United Arab Emirates Military Survey Department, United Arab Emirates ESS Cooperation in the Fields of Surveying and Mapping MOU 2001-05-21 2006-05-21 see subject Details [PDF, 97.7 kb]
United Nations Inter-Agency Secretariat of the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction ESS Cooperation in the field of Natural Hazards and Disaster Reduction MOU 2003-03-04 2006-03-04 see subject Details [PDF, 89.5 kb]
Uruguay El Servicio de Oceanografia, (SOHMA) GSC Cooperation in Geological Sciences MOU 1999-12-06 open Provides a framework for cooperation in joint investigations and scientific exchanges concerning the geological sciences, on subject of mutual interest. Details [PDF, 339.0 kb]
Uruguay Servicio Geografico Militar Del Ejercito Nacional (SGM) ESS Cooperation in Earth Sciences MOU 2000-06-27 open To pursue scientific and technical cooperation in earth sciences Details [PDF, 466.1 kb]
Vietnam Mekong River Commisssion (MRC) ESS Cooperation in Advanced Earth Observation and Geomatics MOU 2002-11-27 2007-11-27 see subject Details [PDF, 157.9 kb]

2006-10-13Important notices