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Natural Resources Canada
Northern Resources Development

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ÿNorthern resources development
Natural Resources Canada > Earth Sciences Sector > Priorities (2002-2006) > Northern resources development
Northern Resources Development Program
Cordillera Energy and Minerals Project

The Cordilleran Energy and Minerals Project consists of both energy and mineral-related investigations in the western Cordillera. The mineral component includes activities which build on previous results in the Bella Coola, Atlin and Eskay Creek areas of BC, as well as new initiatives in the Toodoggone and Horsefly areas, BC. The energy component consists of acquisition of seismic profiles through the northern Whitehorse Trough, Yukon.

The Bella Coola activity aims to update the understanding of the high VMS potential in Jurassic and Cretaceous volcanic sequences through bedrock mapping and detailed topical studies. The Atlin area is highly prospective for Mesozoic pluton-hosted gold mineralization. The Eskay Creek activity builds on recent massive sulphide discoveries through new bedrock mapping in prospective areas and synthesizing regional geoscience knowledge as a guide for further exploration. Multi-parameter, high-resolution geophysical surveys (radiometrics and aeromagnetic) in the Horsefly and Toodoggone areas will help to define mineral prospective zones in a Cu(Au)-porphyry district through integration of bedrock and surficial mapping and these geophysical datasets. The energy component will define the stratigraphic and structural framework of the northern Whitehorse Trough through acquisition of seismic profiles in order to enable informed decision-making by exploration companies. New information will be directly applicable to the assessment and determination of mineral and petroleum potential and can also be used to support forestry and environmental interests.

Results from these activities will greatly improve the understanding of the evolution of- and tectonic relationships between the Cache Creek and Stikine Terranes, as well as placing the energy and mineral potential (specifically VMS and pluton-related Au & Cu) into a regional context.

Project Priorities:

  • Acquisition and interpretation of seismic profiles across the northern Whitehorse Trough
  • Acquisition of radiometric and aeromagnetic data in the Toodoggone and Horsefly areas
  • Bedrock mapping and thematic studies in the Bella Coola, Atlin and Eskay Creek areas
  • Regional synthesis of Mesozoic VMS and pluton-related Au and Cu mineralization

Project Partners:

For More Information: Steve Irwin

2006-05-16Important notices