National Capital Commission

Fall Rhapsody 2006


Date Activity / Description Location / Schedule / Rates
October 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12 and 13

Weekdays Lunchtime MiniConcert

Viola and violin duo by Emmanuel Beaudet and Christian Vachon, teachers at the Conservatoire de musique de Gatineau. Classical music and chamber music in the magnificent autumn scenery of the Mackenzie King Estate.

Location: Mackenzie King Estate

Schedule: 11:30 am to 1:30 pm during weekdays.

Rates: Free, but expect parking fees for Mackenzie King Estate

October 7, 8, 9, 14 and 15

Tree Identification Guided Hike

Guided hikes on the Sugarbush Trail (universally accessible). You will learn to recognize some 40 or so species of trees found in the Park. This hike will be led by a nature-interpreter.

Location: Gatineau Park Visitor Centre, 33 Scott Road in Chealsea

In English at 10:30 am 
In French at 1:30 pm

Rates: Free


Saturday, October 14

Researcher's Day

This Second Annual Gatineau Park Research Forum is presented by Friends of Gatineau Park. Topics include biodiversity, mushrooms, fish inventory and cemeteries around the Park. Participants will have a light lunch with the researchers before taking part in a guided hike with a mushroom specialist on an universally accessible trail .

Location: Gatineau Park Visitor Centre, 33 Scott Road in Chealsea

Schedule: From 9:30 am to 3 pm

Rates: $20/members, $25/non-members, including a light lunch. Please note that registration is limited to 35 people.

Sunday, October 15

Leaf Day

  • Play in a giant pile of leaves
  • Identify leaves of the Park’s main tree species
  • Leaf drawing competition
  • Learn how to make a herbarium
  • Closing ceremony with MoucheTaBouche (klezmer/gypsy music)

Location: Gatineau Park Visitor Centre, 33 Scott Road in Chealsea

Schedule: 1 pm to 4 pm 

Rates: Free



Modified: Wednesday October 11, 2006
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