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Satellite image of Canada
Natural Resources Canada
Geological maps
Geological Map of Canada (1860A)
.Disclaimer & licence
.About the Geology of Canada
.Files, directories, and formats
.GIS database structure
.Explanatory notes
.Example theme maps
.Unit code
.Rock category
.Rock category, subdivided
.Rock category, era/subera
.Rock category, subdivided (detail)

Geological Survey of Canada
Geological Survey of Canada

Proactive disclosure

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ÿGeological Survey of Canada
Natural Resources Canada > Earth Sciences Sector > Geological Survey of Canada > Geological Map of Canada
Geological Map of Canada - Map 1860A
Example theme maps

Example theme maps

Each of the following theme maps was created with SurView (included on this CD-ROM in \CANADA\SURVIEW), using the ROX*.SHP 'shape' files. Each map represents a different 'view' of the Geological Map of Canada database:

2005-11-18Important notices