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Kimberlite Indicator Minerals in Till, Central Slave Province, Northwest Territories
.Kelyphite Reaction Rims

Geological Survey of Canada
Geological Survey of Canada

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ÿGeological Survey of Canada
Natural Resources Canada > Earth Sciences Sector > Geological Survey of Canada > Diamonds
Kimberlite Indicator Minerals in Till, Central Slave Province, Northwest Territories
Kelyphite Reaction Rims

Garnet grains glacially transported <1 km from the source pipe
A. Glassy pyrope crystal face (g), kelyphite (k), and subkelyphite surface (s).A. Glassy pyrope crystal face (g), kelyphite (k), and subkelyphite surface (s).
B. Close-up of A showing textural details of the kelyphite, particularly the sharp contact with unaltered garnet, a lower microcrystalline zone (1), a middle columnar zone (m), and the irregular upper surface (k). B. Close-up of A showing textural details of the kelyphite, particularly the sharp contact with unaltered garnet, a lower microcrystalline zone (1), a middle columnar zone (m), and the irregular upper surface (k).
C. Angular pyrope grain with conchoidal surfaces on the sides, and kelyphite (k). C. Angular pyrope grain with conchoidal surfaces on the sides, and kelyphite (k).
D. Close-up of C showing lower (1), middle (m), and upper (u) kelyphite zones. D. Close-up of C showing lower (1), middle (m), and upper (u) kelyphite zones.
E. Fractured kelyphite surface (k), and underlying columnar crystals. Glassy garnet surface (g) shows conchoidal fracture. Sub-kelyphite texture (s) is also present. E. Fractured kelyphite surface (k), and underlying columnar crystals. Glassy garnet surface (g) shows conchoidal fracture. Sub-kelyphite texture (s) is also present.
Garnet grains glacially transported 25-30 km
A. Angular garnet surface and fractured kelyphite. Some equant and rhombic crystals are visible on the kelyphite surface.A. Angular garnet surface and fractured kelyphite. Some equant and rhombic crystals are visible on the kelyphite surface.
B. Thin kelyphite (k), sub-kelyphite surface (s), and multifaceted garnet (g).B. Thin kelyphite (k), sub-kelyphite surface (s), and multifaceted garnet (g).
C. Thien, irregular kelyphite (k) and underlying garnet (g) showing multiple conchoidal surfaces.C. Thien, irregular kelyphite (k) and underlying garnet (g) showing multiple conchoidal surfaces.
D. Finely stippled sub-kelyphite surface on a garnet crystal.D. Finely stippled sub-kelyphite surface on a garnet crystal.
E. Matte-to-stippled sub-kelyphite texture (s) and glassy garnet surface (g).E. Matte-to-stippled sub-kelyphite texture (s) and glassy garnet surface (g).

2005-11-07Important notices