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GSC Guide to Authors
Question mark
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The question mark is used in these cases:

  1. at the end of any sentence that is a direct question:

    Where is the contact between the two formations?

  2. after every direct question of a series that makes up a single sentence:

    When trying to identify any hand sample, we must ask ourselves these questions: what is the grain size? the texture? the colour? the mineralogy? the rock type?

  3. enclosed in parentheses, to express a doubt about the correctness of a statement:

    The quartzite of the Ludding Formation is overlain by fine-grained sandstone of the (?) Packs Formation.

    (?) is a query expressing doubt.
    ? is a punctuation mark, placed at the end of a question.

    Position the (?) carefully in order to define exactly what is questionable:

    (?) Lower Devonian
    questions the entire statement.

    (?)Lower Devonian
    questions only Lower.

    (?) Silurian–Devonian
    questions both ages.

    questions only the Silurian age.

    questions only the Devonian age

    (?)[Upper Bathonian]–Callorian
    questions only Upper Bathonian

  4. to indicate missing digits:

    Stanley Greenshields (1909–198?).

The question mark is not used in the following:

  1. after indirect questions:

    The geologist asked the students which formation the samples came from.

  2. if the sentence is technically a question but actually a request or command:

    Will you please return my manuscript immediately.

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2005-11-21Important notices