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Spring / Summer 2002
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Solutions Toward Sustainable Forests at Home and Abroad - Spring/Summer 2002

A Chip Off The Old Block Would Be Appreciated
An infestation of the brown spruce longhorn beetle (BSLB) has caused the destruction of about 3,000 red, white, Norway and black spruce trees in and around Halifax's Point Pleasant Park.

Learning Biodiversity Solutions From An Expert
Nature has been getting it right for millions of years so it's only natural to try to emulate this success when it comes to biodiversity and sustainable forest management.

Secondary manufacturing creating jobs
Jobs and revenues from forest harvesting are decreasing while secondary or "value-added" manufacturing is on the upswing.

UBC Professor Dr. Hamish Kimmins engages in some straight talk about Canada's approach to biodiversity.

Biodiversity conservation
Demands for biodiversity conservation have been increasing and will continue to grow — as will the call for other values such as air and water quality and carbon sequestration

Weevil-resistant spruce — a solution in the making
The white pine weevil has a devastating effect on regeneration of spruce and pine species throughout Canada.

Catching The "Bad Guys" With DNA Testing
needlesDr. Richard Hamelin, seconded to a Montreal biotech firm from the Canadian Forest Service's (CFS) Laurentian Forestry Centre, has one commercial product on the market.

Predicting Potential
How would you like to know the forest potential of this site?

Birds and Bugs as Watchdogs
Forest management activities can impact large areas for long periods of time. Dr. Lisa Venier and Dr. Jennie Pearce, research scientists with Canadian Forest Service's (CFS) Great Lakes Forestry Centre, say that most proposed ecological indicators measure the state of the forest but this doesn't address the real problem.

Forest Ecosystem Design: It's Not Just Another Pretty Face
The forest industry has to realize that if viewscapes are logged in a way that offends people, then that's a problem too.

Canada's Model Forest Program

Careful Contractors Certified
Whether deserved or not, horror stories circulate occasionally about the devastated state that woodlot owners find their properties in after granting forest contractors harvesting rights.

Feat of Clay: Fighting Soil Disturbance
The best protection against disturbed soil ­ a side effect of forestry operations that can threaten regeneration and tree growth ­ is a machine operator with experience. Now this experience comes pre-packaged in an illustrated field guide.

Canada's Sustainable Forest Management Requires 2020 Vision
Picture a three-legged stool. Stenciled on one of the legs are the words: "Grow More Wood". Etched on the second leg is the phrase: "Better Forest Conservation". The third carries the message: "Prosperity For Forest-Based Communities".

Forum Talks Pests From A National Perspective
Disease and insect pests destroy our trees at a rate estimated at greater than 50% of the annual forest harvest.

A Global Gathering in Canada
From September 21 to 28, 2003, forest stakeholders from around the globe will gather in the historic city of Québec for the XII World Forestry Congress (WFC).

Click If You Love Tree Disease Fungi
Researchers seeking information from the Canadian Forest Service's Forest Pathology Herbarium at the Pacific Forestry Centre in pre-Internet days would write to Curator Brenda Callan who would have someone delve into the collection of over 35,000 specimens representing some 3,300 species of disease-causing fungi.

On-Line News
Forest Health and Biodiversity News is a national science newsletter produced by CFS researchers.

Richard Berthiaume of Laval University Receives the First Wladimir A. Smirnoff Fellowship

Survey Says...
Canadian Attitudes Towards Natural Resources Issues 2002

Note: All information contained in the Solutions articles displayed on this Web site is time sensitive and must be considered in the context of the original publication date. For more information regarding the timeliness of the information, current status of the research, etc., please refer to the contact person named at the end of the article in which you are interested.

Last Updated: 2002-06-02


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