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Spring / Summer 1999
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Solutions Toward Sustainable Forests at Home and Abroad - Spring / Summer 1999

Sprucing Up
To coax more fibre from managed plantations, the CFS is helping to develop genetically superior varieties of Norway spruce.

Interview: John Iverson
Domtar Resources’ Director of Forestry and Environment for Ontario talks about forest science, competitiveness and the future of forest management.

Tussling with the Tussock Moth
Last year, the whitemarked tussock moth destroyed or damaged large tracts of Nova Scotia’s prime timber. A CFS entomologist is using naturally occurring pathogens to protect against future outbreaks.

A Soil-Saving Solution
When some research suggested that whole-tree harvesting led to a decrease in productivity, a CFS researcher evaluated its long-term effects.

Building on Tradition
Berens River First Nation is developing a forest products strategy with the Pine Falls Paper Company, assisted by funding from the CFS's First Nation Forestry Program.

New Products Stop Exotic Fungi
Red pines in eastern Canada are plagued with scleroderris canker but a CFS researcher is working to make detecting this disease easier.


  • Canadian Fire Technology Goes Global
  • Forest Stewards Recognized

    Feature Publications

  • Insects of Eastern Pines
  • Diseases of Populus in British Columbia: A Diagnostic Manual

    Listening to our Clients
    In late 1998 the CFS conducted a National Client Survey of forest community leaders.

  • Taking S&T; to the Parliamentarians
    Forests 2000, a Parliament Hill exhibition held in May 1999, featured information on how forest S&T; contributes to Canada’s forest sector and the overall economy.

    Moulding the Future
    Recent research at the CFS Northern Forestry Centre has led to a biological way to stunt the growth of bluejoint grass.

    Solving the Density Dilemma
    CFS Researchers have pioneered a tool that solves the density dilemma for managers of black spruce, Canada’s major commercial and reforestation softwood species.

    A century of innovative solutions
    The CFS is celebrating a century of innovations that have matched and at times led changes in the ways we use our forests. Four long-time CFS staff share their experiences and their visions of the future.

    Neem's Ripple Effect
    CFS research is testing the efficacy and non-target impacts of new insecticides as forest managers look for effective alternatives to chemical insecticides.

    Better Bang for the Government's Buck
    A recent B.C. task force on jobs in forestry led a CFS researcher to study whether employment-stimulating public sector policies have been successful.

    Early Warning System for Spruce Budworm
    The spruce budworm has feasted on Canadian forests for centuries. Now, as it warms up for a repeat performance, forest managers may be able to use a new tool from the CFS for advance damage control.

    Basing Policy on Science
    Exotic insect pests can lay waste to Canada’s forests and sustainable forest management plans. CFS staff are providing the scientific foundation for some government policy decisions concerning this threat.

    The Costa Rica - Canada Initiative
    An international agreement on forests could protect sustainability, provide a level playing field for exporters, and create clear and consistent rules for forest management. Canada has joined Costa Rica in an initiative to discuss the issues.

    Note: All information contained in the Solutions articles displayed on this Web site is time sensitive and must be considered in the context of the original publication date. For more information regarding the timeliness of the information, current status of the research, etc., please refer to the contact person named at the end of the article in which you are interested.

    Last Updated: 1999-06-02


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