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Fall / Winter 1998
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Solutions Toward Sustainable Forests at Home and Abroad - Fall / Winter 1998

Forestry is High Tech
And as much as our knowledge has grown, so too have the tools we now use.

Friendly Fungus Fights Forest Foes
Friendly Fungus Fights Forest FoesECO-clearTM will mean less competing vegetation, allowing for more fibre production while protecting the environment and other forest values.

Interview: Ben Sutton
Interview: Ben SuttonTalks about the high-tech world of clonal forestry.

CFS Scientists Follow Hot Leads on Forest Fires
Shouldn’t a prolonged period of warmer, drier climate, such as that expected during a period of global warming, lead to more wild fires?

New Program Shines the Spotlight on Forest Stewardship
Honneur à l’intendance des  forêtsLe nouveau programme récompensera ceux qui pratiquent l’aménagement forestier durable et fera connaître leurs succès.

For Best Results... Turn Out the Lights
HemlockA CFS study that sheds new light on the germination of mountain hemlock could lead to significant cost savings when harvested areas are replanted with seedlings.

Keeping the Weevil at Bay
White pine weevilThe white pine weevil can attack more than 20 different species of trees…

Partners in Pest Control
A leading Noth American authority on the spruce budworm says eastern Canada can expect a budworm epidemic within the next few years.

A Kinder, Gentler Harvest
A Kinder, Gentler Harvest Abitibi-Consolidated Inc. is working with Dr. Art Groot in Sault Ste Marie to research harvesting methods with gentler impacts on the environment.

Rescuing the Canary in the Coal Mine
Rescuing the Canary in the Coal Mine"If we’re losing this higher order carnivore, there’s a chance other parts of the ecosystem are also at risk."

Smoking Out the Answers about Pine Beetle Control
Feu sur
 le dendroctone du pin!When different styles of forestry management conflict, science can help resolve those differences.

Building a better tree
In its pioneering work to develop hardier, faster-growing trees that give better wood and resist insects and disease, the CFS is among the handful of organizations worldwide that is actively working to genetically engineer conifer species.

Next Generation in Pest Control
Spruce Budworm CFS is developing a promising new generation of pest controls, all based on advances in biotechnology.

State of Canada’s Forests 1997-1998 A Forum for the Forest Community
There are an estimated 425,000 private woodlot owners in Canada, and private woodlots are a vital part of the Canadian forest industry. Should their management be regulated?

Of Our Own Accord
Last spring representatives of the Canadian forest community reaffirmed their commitment to a renewed National Forest Strategy and signed the second Canada Forest Accord.

What's a Forest Worth?
Social research scientist Peter Boxall and his team have devised a research methodology that is gaining world-wide attention.

New Research Funding Programs Link "Hard" and "Soft" Science
CFS is supporting the evolution of forest management as it expands to encompass non-traditional areas in the humanities and social sciences.

EMEND: Logging a Century’s Worth of Data
EMEND is seeking to determine which forest harvesting schemes can emulate the effects of wildfire on the structure and function of forest ecosystems.

FERNS Helps Scientists Cultivate Research
FERNS Helps Scientists Cultivate ResearchFERNS has been helping scientists from universities, industry and government collaborate on research, cut research costs and reduce duplication.

Survey Says...Biotechnology and Forest Research
In March 1998, 1,500 Canadians were surveyed on their attitudes and opinions about biotechnology.

Feature Publications

  • Trees in Canada on CD-ROM
  • Insects of Eastern Hardwood Trees
  • Tree Diseases of Eastern Canada

  • Note: All information contained in the Solutions articles displayed on this Web site is time sensitive and must be considered in the context of the original publication date. For more information regarding the timeliness of the information, current status of the research, etc., please refer to the contact person named at the end of the article in which you are interested.

    Last Updated: 1998-09-02


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