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Her Excellency Michaëlle Jean

Chat Online with the Governor General

Her Excellency the Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean believes it is the Governor General’s duty to use every available means, including the latest technology, to reach out to citizens and engage them in the kind of dialogue that mirrors Canada’s diversity.  

This belief led to the creation of Citizen Voices, a collaborative online space that is a sub-site of www.gg.ca. The launch of the site, on September 27, 2006, coincides with the first anniversary of Madame Jean’s appointment as Governor General. In a recent interview with Culture.ca in her Rideau Hall office, Madame Jean passionately described this new initiative. 

At www.citizenvoices.gg.ca, Internet users can choose between "all-inclusive round tables," "blogs on a variety of topics," and live chats, where citizens can talk online with Their Excellencies, Madame Jean and Mr. Jean-Daniel Lafond.    

An urgent need for open discussion  

Madame Jean believes that "Canadians are eager to talk about values," emphasizing that there is "an urgent need for open discussion on the issue of citizenship." Like many citizens of this country, the Governor General asks herself: "My citizenship means a lot to me, but what does it actually entail?" Although she acknowledges that "people in this country have tended to dwell on their differences", after travelling to diverse communities across the country Madame Jean prefers to focus on our similarities: "The fact that so much of what we do and think is the same may perhaps lead us to realize what we can accomplish together."    

New technology can foster dialogue  

An avowed optimist, Madame Jean’s enthusiasm is boundless and contagious when she speaks about the "infinite possibilities and positive solutions new technology makes possible, as well as the way it encourages people to get involved." She hopes that Citizen Voices will enable citizens to become more involved in social issues, gain self-confidence and "perhaps even feel empowered."  

"Canadians deserve this kind of virtual space," she asserts, "because there is a real need for places that bring people together in order to promote dialogue and overcome boundaries."  

"Canada is such a vast country, and I truly believe that people are its greatest resource." Madame Jean adds she is eager to share what she sees and hears with her fellow Canadians, but also hopes the site will "enable Canadians of all ages and from all walks of life to overcome their isolation by talking to one another."  

Today’s culture is all about immediacy  

While women and children remain two of the Governor General’s most pressing interests, one section on the new space will be dedicated to culture. As far as the Governor General is concerned, "we are living in a new culture that is all about immediacy," and the Internet is one of its fundamental vehicles. Conscious of the fact that many artists and creators have taken advantage of the Web to promote and publish their works, Madame Jean and Mr. Lafond also see the Web as an excellent means to encourage citizen debate. 

Is launching a forum like Citizen Voices a bold initiative? The former journalist replies without hesitation that she wanted to redefine the limits of the Governor General’s role, which she sees as "a sounding board that, I hope, will help people discover the best in one another."  

She reminds us that celebrating excellence is also part of her role: "This is the reason behind the annual Governor General Award ceremonies that honour outstanding achievements in the fields of performing arts, literature, visual and media arts, architecture, and so on."

Free and open discussion  

Her Excellency also emphasizes "the importance of reflection and of sharing our thoughts with others, and the fact that bringing together various points of view necessarily enriches the discussion."

As far as diversity is concerned, Madame Jean has witnessed first-hand the extent to which "heads of state all over the world look to Canada as an example and count on us for leadership."  

Perhaps, Canadians' interest in dialogue stems from the fact that Canada has made the "values of respect, tolerance and sharing" so intrinsically its own. To a significant extent, these values also are the mandate of Citizen Voices.  

Interview conducted in Ottawa on September 25, 2006

Photo of Madame Jean: Sergent Éric Jolin, Rideau Hall  

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Photo of Micha‰lle Jean, Governor General of Canada, perspectives

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