Natural Resources CanadaGovernment of Canada
Satellite image of CanadaCanada Centre for Remote Sensing 
Geographical Latitude

7.2.2 Geographical Latitude

Geographical Latitude

Geographical Latitude - Northern

Stereo pair 1 - RADARSAT - Bathurst Island, Nunavut, Canada

Since Bathurst Island is at approximately 75º North, the convergence angle between the orbital tracks is quite large. As a result the right hand image must be manually rotated with respect to the left hand image. In this case the rotation is approximately 13º.

Geographical Latitude - Mid-Northern

Stereo pair 10 - RADARSAT - Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The area covered by the images over Ottawa is approximately 45º North. In order to view these images with the stereoscope, a very small manual rotation of the right hand side image is done with respect to the left hand image.

Geographical Latitude - Equator

Stereo pair 11 - RADARSAT - Tapagos Forest, Brazil

These images are of an area of Brazil at 3º South of the Equator. No rotation is necessary.
