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Geological sciences

Gas hydrates - natural gas hydrates represent an immense hydrocarbon resource underlying large portions of the world's arctic continental areas and marine continental shelves


- Aeromagnetic surveys - the aeromagnetic mapping program provides aeromagnetic coverage of the Canadian landmass and continental shelves for both regional and detailed geological investigations

- Gamma-ray spectrometry - the National Gamma-Ray Spectrometry Program (NATGAM, which promotes a partnership approach to collecting and sharing of high quality gamma-ray spectrometry data throughout Canada and effective application of this information to a broad range of geoscientific activities

- Geodynamics - the Geodynamics Program provides information on contemporary movements of the Earth's crust for studies of earthquake hazard and global change

- Geomagnetism - monitors and predicts the Earth's ever-changing magnetic field throughout Canada, on time-scales ranging from seconds to decades

- Geophysical applications - research in geophysical methods and interpretation. At present, the research program consists of three main components: System and Potential Field Methodology Development; Potential Field Interpretation; Tectonic Studies

- Gravity - Comprehensive knowledge of the Earth's gravity field is a fundamental requirement for geoid determination and establishment and maintenance of modern spatial reference frames and standards in Canada. Gravity is also a fundamental parameter for the geophysical characterization, structural interpretation, and imaging the deep crust of the Canadian landmass and continental shelves.

Geochemistry - geochemistry is the study of the distribution and amounts of chemical elements in rocks, minerals, soils, fluids and gases in the Earth. Organic geochemistry pertains to the chemistry of carbon - the basic element of all life. Inorganic geochemistry pertains to the chemistry of all other elements

Geological Map of Canada (CD-ROM - contains a complete bilingual GIS spatial database from which a variety of thematic geological maps can be created

Hydrogeology (Oak Ridges Moraine) - project objectives: define the three dimensional geometry of surficial sediment; develop a geological model for the area; define the hydrogeological system on a regional scale

Landscapes and landforms - a collection of photos of Canadian Landscapes and landforms is presented as a public service to illustrate the great diversity of Canadian scenery

Mineral resources

- Drift prospecting - drift prospecting is the study of glacial sediments (drift) to identify economically significant minerals in the sediments and to trace them up-ice to their source, which may be a bare outcrop or heavily drift-covered bedrock


- EXTECH - Exploration Technology - minerals research that provides geoscience innovation and insight that helps the mineral exploration industry discover the reserves required to sustain Canada's position as one of the world's leading suppliers of minerals and metals

Natural hazards

- Earthquakes - the goal of the National Earthquake Hazards Program is to understand the causes of, and hazards associated with, earthquakes in Canada

- Geochemical hazards - emphasis is placed on a small group of elements that can represent a health risk, either at high or low concentrations

- Geomagnetic hazards - when there are magnetic storms the induced electric fields can have a significant effect on the operation of power transmission systems, pipelines and communication systems

- Landslides - landslides are mass movements of soil or rock downslope and are a major natural hazard in Canada.

- Radon - radon is a colourless, odourless radioactive gas that occurs naturally in our environment

- Volcanic hazards - erupting volcanoes can generate many primary hazards including lava flows, pyroclastic flows, pyroclastic surges, volcanic bombs, ash clouds, landslides, debris flows, and clouds of poisonous gas

Paleontology - information derived from the study of the evolution of important fossil groups is used to develop and modify the standard geological time scale for intercontinental correlation

Permafrost - permafrost research integrates geological mapping, process studies, geotechnical investigations, geophysical and geothermal surveys, laboratory studies, and numerical/GIS modelling

Regional geoscience

- Cordillera - the general geological framework has now been established, and e work is now directed more towards the understanding of the cause and effect, and sequence of geological events

- Marine geoscience - research is focussed on understanding geologic processes that have occurred and are occurring in the marine environment

Urban geology - urban geology provides engineers, planners, decision makers, and the general public with the geoscience information required for sound regional planning in densely populated areas

Geological Survey of Canada - The GSC is Canada's premier agency for geoscientific information and research, with world-class expertise focusing on geoscience surveys, sustainable development of Canada's resources, environmental protection, and technology innovation

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Updated: 2006-04-05

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