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CANMET Energy Technology Centre - Ottawa / Centre de la Technologie de l'Energie de CANMET - Ottawa

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Renewable Energy and Hydrogen Fuel Cell Mission to China
October 22 - 29
Beijing and Guangzhou, China


clean energy portal
Visit Canada's Clean Energy Portal for access to our burgeoning environmental energy sector and up-to-date details on climate change initiatives.

Canadian CO2 Capture & Storage Technology Network

The Canadian Biomass Innovation Network (CBIN)


The CANMET Energy Technology Centre (CETC) is Canada's leading federal government S&T organization with a mandate to develop and demonstrate energy efficient, alternative and renewable energy technologies and processes. CETC has facilities in Devon, Alberta; Varennes, Quebec; and Ottawa, Ontario.

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Technology Roadmaps:

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Technologies to License

Emerging Ceramic Membrane Technology
The CANMET Energy Technology Centre (CETC) has achieved significant advances in ceramic membrane technology and its application and believe this "breakthrough" technology has great potential for commercialization in Canada. <find out more>

Find out more about our Licensing Technologies

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New Call for Clean Technology Funding Applications Announced by Sustainable Development Technology Ottawa, Ontario, August 23, 2006 – Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC), a Government of Canada initiative that finances and supports the development and demonstration of clean technologies, today announced it is requesting applications for its tenth round of funding. The closing date for submissions is October 11, 2006. <find out more>

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Super Efficient Gas Water Heating Appliance Initiative (SEGWHAI) will develop and implement the next generation, cost-effective, high-efficiency, replacement "storage-type" gas-fired water heater. SEGWHAI will facilitate the development and commercialization of this next generation of standard water heater. SEGWHAI will not invent, prototype, manufacture or sell units, rather manufacturers will be encouraged to participate in a competition to development prototypes. <find out more>

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The Ontario Research Commercialization Program (ORCP) is a key component of the government's Research and Commercialization Strategy. The overall goal of the new, three year, $27 million program is to increase Ontario's innovation capacity. The ORCP will help create an efficient commercialization system in Ontario that will accelerate the movement of world-class research from Ontario's labs to the marketplace and support the growth and development of Ontario's technology based companies.
- Program Guidelines
- Best Practices Guide

The Innovation Demonstration Fund (IDF) is a discretionary, non-entitlement funding program administered by the Ministry of Research and Innovation that focuses on the commercialization and initial demonstration of globally competitive, innovative technologies, processes and/or products. The objective of the IDF is to help companies in their efforts to commercialize innovative technologies in Ontario. <find out more>



clean energy technologies

cetc ottawa
side gold box CETC-O is a key research arm of Natural Resources Canada and is one of Canada's premier organizations in the field of energy, science and technology.
CETC-O works with private and public sector partners to develop and deploy leading-edge energy products. The result of these technologies is reduction of environmental impacts, increased productivity and generated economic growth in Canada.
CETC-O offers world-class laboratory facilities and an accomplished energetic workforce. (more...)
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Learn about our World-Class Facilities

Get map directions to our facility. (in Adobe Acrobat PDF format)

Featured Headlines

Minister Lunn Releases Energy Outlook
Ottawa - October 3rd - The Honourable Gary Lunn, Minister of Natural Resources, today released Canada's Energy Outlook: The Reference Case 2006, a long-term projection of energy consumption, production and greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) from now until 2020. (Get further details)

NRCan's CETC unveils test bed for new combustion technologies
Natural Resources Canada's CANMET Energy Technology Centre (CETC) has come up with a solution for optimizing combustion performance in furnace systems. This solution comes in the form of a Pilot-Scale Industrial Furnace (PSIF) that can be used for the development and implementation of advanced industrial burners and controls. (Get further details)

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Public Service Award of Excellence Goes to Legendary Combustion Engineer - CETC's A.C. Skip Hayden wins public services award for "Outstanding Career"

Ottawa, ON, June 19 - Dr. A.C.S. "Skip" Hayden was recognized for his achievements when he, along with 29 other recipients from across Canada and abroad, received the Public Service Award of Excellence (PSAE) during National Public Service Week. The Public Service Award of Excellence honours federal public service employees who have demonstrated excellence in serving Canadians, while reflecting the values, ethics and priorities of the federal public service.
<find out more>

Websites of Interest

The Renewable Planet - this free and accessible resource highlights the number and variety of renewable energy projects from around the world.

Science and Technology Publications

Federal Government Budget 2006

Federal Accountability Act and Action Plan

Canada Business - Your guides to Services for Business


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 Last updated: 2006-10-18