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Minerals, metals and materials

Certified Reference Materials - the Canadian Certified Reference Materials Project prepares and certifies reference materials principally for analytical laboratories in the mineral, metallurgical, earth science, and environmental industries

Environment - specializes in treatment technologies for solid and liquid mine waste and mill effluents, mine decommissioning and rehabilitation, and provides scientific input into the development of environmental policies and regulations for metals

Materials Technology - develops and deploys technologies to improve all aspects of producing and using value-added products from metals and other materials


Mineralogy and Metallurgical Processing - R&D in metallurgical processing, minerals and metals recycling, and applied mineralogy

Mining - the broad goal of the mining activities is to improve health, safety and productivity in the mine environment

CANMET Mineral Technology Branch - conducts research and development throughout the entire minerals and metals cycle from mining and mineral processing, downstream processing and fabrication, and recycling.

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Updated: 2006-09-20

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