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Energy Efficiency Ratings

Gas Furnaces

ENERGY STAR/Energuide Logo

A furnace's energy efficiency performance over a heating season is called the Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE). This AFUE is expressed as a percentage. The higher the percentage, the more efficient the furnace.

ENERGY STAR qualified furnaces have an AFUE of 90 percent or more. To improve electrical efficiency, choose one with a high-efficiency circulating fan motor.

Many factors affect your home-heating needs, so have a heating-load calculation performed to properly size your furnace (heating capacity).



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  Select only the most energy efficient models
ENERGY STAR®AFUE 90% and over
High Efficiency Motor
* Reduce your search time by completing the boxes below.

Annual Fuel Utilisation Efficiency (AFUE)
* From % to % 100% maximum

Download list of all models in Zip Excel (386 KB – October 31, 2007)

Use only if 3 phase or input rating over 225,000 Btu/h

The ENERGY STAR name and the ENERGY STAR symbol are registered trademarks of the United States Environmental Protection Agency and are used with permission. 

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