National Capital Commission

Rideau Hall was designated a classified heritage property by the Federal Heritage Buildings Review Office (FHBRO) in 1986, having the highest heritage significance in Canada.

The front façade of the Mappin Wing (1914) is almost 100 years old and is in need of urgent remedial work. It creates the characteristic view of Rideau Hall familiar to most Canadians today and is an important defining element of this ‘classified’ heritage building. The NCC has prioritized this rehabilitation project to address conservation and health and safety issues.

  • The Mappin façade was designed by David Ewart, chief government architect of the day. It  is an impressive piece of architecture, the pediment and royal coat of arms at the top of this façade is believed to be one of the largest in the Commonwealth.

  • Under the direction of a masonry conservator, the ornate sculptures made from limestone ashlar that decorate the façade will be carefully treated and restored.

  • The original wood sash windows on the front of the Mappin Wing require general rehabilitation and in which the preparation work includes the removal of lead paint. 

  • The Mappin Wing roof is a batten style copper roof installed in 1964. Unfortunately, it was not designed with Canadian climate in mind and as a result, has suffered damage and is now in need of repair.

The NCC has identified the need to rehabilitate the front façade, including the masonry, roofing, windows and eaves troughing, as a high priority in its multi-year capital works plan for Rideau Hall. 

These works will ensure the long term preservation of this unique and important architectural feature of Rideau Hall, one of Canada’s most significant historical buildings. The last time considerable work was done on the façade was in the 1960s. 

Mappin Wing pre-1913
Mappin Wing - pre-1913

Mappin Wing 1915
Mappin Wing - 1915

Front Façade 2006
Front Façade - 2006

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Modified: Friday July 21, 2006
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