National Capital Commission

The NCC has undertaken a landscape rehabilitation study for The Rockeries and Hillsdale Park. This area plays an important role in the character of the Rockcliffe Parkway corridor, the Capital Pathway network and the Capital Region’s green space system. The objective of the study is to enhance users’ experience of these sites, as well as amenities, while maintaining their current uses.

This study will guide the management and improvement of these sites over the long term. The major considerations of this study include:

  • Improving pathway circulation and establishing missing links of the Rockcliffe Parkway Recreational Pathway network;
  • Re-establishing lost vistas or views;
  • Continuing restoration of the formal rockeries area and planting trees to replace those that have been lost over the years;
  • Addressing the existing service building in the former greenhouse in terms of access, space requirements and integration with the Parkway;
  • Providing more site amenities including interpretation of the historical and geographical importance of the site and the eventual provision of washrooms for visitors and park users;
  • Improving site recognition and orientation; and
  • Improving tour bus circulation and parking arrangements in order to minimize access via Acacia Avenue. 

Three public consultation initiatives were organized in order to obtain feedback from the community members and the broader public on the proposed Study enhancements.

The public consultation report summarizes the project, the comments received as part of the public consultation, the decision and the next steps.

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Modified: Tuesday March 7, 2006
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