National Capital Commission

The Government of Canada provides official residences for the governor general, the prime minister, the leader of the opposition party in the House of Commons and the speaker of the House of Commons. In addition, the government owns and manages an official guest house for visiting foreign dignitaries.

The official residences in Canada’s Capital are owned and operated by the NCC. Rideau Hall, the home of the governor general, is the only official residence open for public visits. Public Works and Government Services Canada provides the same role for the Citadel, the governor general’s historic second residence in Quebec City.

Did You Know?

  • 24 Sussex Drive, the address of the official residence of the prime minister, is the Canadian equivalent to Britain’s 10 Downing Street, or 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, the location of the White House.
  • The prime minister’s secondary residence is called Harrington Lake in English and Lac Mousseau in French. Why? Both names have their roots in history — the former name has always been used by English-speaking Canadians, the latter by French-speaking Canadians.
  • During the Second World War, Stornoway, the official residence of the leader of the opposition, served as a refuge for Crown Princess Juliana of the Netherlands. The Netherlands and Canada have retained a special bond ever since.
  • The Farm, the official residence of the speaker of the House of Commons, was once the private country estate of former Prime Minister Mackenzie King. At the time, the property was a real farm with sheep, horses, bee hives and pheasants. He bequeathed the property to the Government of Canada in the hopes that other public figures could enjoy a private sanctuary.
  • 7 Rideau Gate is Canada’s official guest house, built in 1862 for Henry Osgood Burritt. In 1966, the government purchased the property to serve the steady stream of distinguished visitors to Canada during the Centennial celebrations.
  • There is one official residence outside Canada’s Capital. It is the Citadelle in Quebec City, a second residence for the governor general.

Capital Residences for Canada’s Leaders

The NCC owns and maintains six official residences in the Capital. These official residences are provided to ensure that public figures, who may come from any part of Canada, have appropriate homes in which to fulfill many of their official functions.


  • Rideau Hall — residence of the governor general of Canada
  • 24 Sussex Drive — residence of the prime minister of Canada
  • Harrington Lake (Lac Mousseau) — country residence of the prime minister
  • Stornoway — residence for the leader of the opposition
  • The Farm — residence for the speaker of the House of Commons
  • 7 Rideau Gate — Canada’s official guest house


Modified: Wednesday December 14, 2005
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