C3 - Energy. Ideas. Change.

C3 is an Alberta-based non-profit that encourages energy efficiency
and the small-scale use of alternative energy sources by Albertans.

We engage decision-makers — individuals, businesses and the other organizations — to encourage new choices about energy use.

Climate Change Central Rebates & Energy Tips Energy Monitors on sale

Ways we contribute

C3 partners with government, municipalities, and corporations to design and administer tailored programs to help people use less energy, save money, and reduce GHG emissions.

Carbon Offset Solution

If you've heard about Canada's first regulatory carbon market, then you've heard about us. C3 administers the offset registry where you can register an offset project or browse existing projects for available credits.

Employee Green Spending Account

Are you a business manager looking to prove your corporate social responsibility? Would you like to reward your dedicated staff in hopes they stick around? Offer your employees a green spending account and you'll see that it pays to go green.

Municipal Rebates

All One Sky Foundation is a registered charity to provide innovative, action-based solutions that address environmental challenges associated with climate change.