National Capital Commission - Canada
Year Received for Award and Awarding Organization
2006 Thérèse St-Onge — in recognition of her exceptional work, achievements and significant contributions to the festivals and events industry.
Inducted into the International Festivals and Events Hall of Fame which is considered the highest of industry honors.
2006 John Abel —  in recognition of an outstanding career and contribution to the architectural profession. Architects nominated have demonstrated great dedication to bettering their communities and their profession. Named a Fellow of the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (RAIC)
2004 National Capital Commission - Commuter Challenge The NCC was recognized as the 2004 Top Participant in the National Capital Region for organizations of 501-1000 employees
2004 Micheline Dubé — for her strong commitment to the accounting profession, her important contribution to the NCC, her numerous accomplishments, her exemplary dedication and her exceptional leadership skills. Appointment to the Fellowship of the Society of Management Accountants (FCMA)
2004 Guy Laflamme — notably, for the NCC’s role in bringing the 2003 Juno Awards to the Capital region; for the quality of its new Marketing, Communication and External Relations Plan; for the in-house development of a new corporate logo and branding; and for innovative promotional campaigns. Top honours in the Communication Marketing Category at the Concours Personnalité marketing 2004 organized by the Association Marketing de Montréal
Modified: Friday September 22, 2006
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