Health and Community Services
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The Department of
Health and Community Services
provides a leadership role in health and
community services programs and policy
development for the Province.
This involves working in partnership with a
number of key stakeholders including regional
boards, community organizations, professional
associations, post-secondary educational
institutions, unions, consumers and other
government departments.

The Department provides support services to six Regional Institutional Boards, four Regional Health and Community Services Boards, two Regional Integrated Boards and one Regional Nursing Home Board in St. John's.  The actual delivery of programs and services including Health Promotion, Disease Prevention, Child, Youth and Family Services and Community Corrections, Family and Rehabilitative Services, Addictions, Mental Health and Continuing Care are provided by community health boards.  The institutional boards deliver hospital services and long term accommodations to persons 65 years and older and persons suffering from chronic debilitating diseases.  There are also a number of agencies directly accountable to the Department including the Memorial University of Newfoundland Medical School, and the Newfoundland and Labrador Centre for Health Information.

The total Departmental budget allocation is about $1.2 billion which represents one third of all government spending.  About $800 million goes to support the 13,000 full time equivalent jobs in the service industry sector with about 640 physicians receiving fee for service and about 300 receiving fixed salaries.

Over the past year the Department has been reorganized to provide more efficient input into policy and program development and supports to boards and agencies.  There are currently 175 full time positions in the new organization.  The organizational structure is comprised of five branches with 15 divisions:

  • The Board Services branch provides overall relations with the government-funded regional boards, the co-ordination of their service, the identification of service quality improvements, and has program responsibility for road and air ambulance and other emergency services in the Province.

  • The Policy and Program Services branch provides the overall policy and program development functions of the Department, strategic planning for the health and community services system, and applied research and evaluation activities.

  • Government & Agency Relations has extensive involvement with intergovernmental activity at the federal-provincial levels, legislative and regulation review responsibility as well as interaction with the many professional associations, voluntary and consumer advocacy groups active in the health and community services sector in the Province.

  • The Support Services branch is responsible for the overall administrative, financial, human resource, claims management and information management services of the Department, including all financial arrangements with, and financial monitoring of, government-funded regional health boards.

  • The Medical Services branch is responsible for the Department's mandate related to the provision of medical services, disease control, epidemiology, environmental health and pharmaceutical services.

Foundational Statements

The World Health Organization definition of "health" is the foundation for the Vision, Mission and Values Statements as well as the Lines of Business.  It states:

Health is a state of complete physical, mental, social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.


All Newfoundlanders and Labradorians will enjoy optimal health. ("Optimal health" refers to maximizing an individual's health and well-being in the context of their life and its limitation.)


The Department of Health and Community Services will ensure that the people of Newfoundland and Labrador have access to services and programs enabling individuals, families and communities to achieve optimal health.


We believe...

  • that all individuals deserve fairness, respect, and privacy.

  • that all individuals deserve the right to participate in making decisions that affect them in their pursuit of health and well-being.

  • in quality programs and services responsive to the needs of individuals, families and communities.

  • in a competent and committed workforce fostered through an appreciation for individuals, team work and strong leadership.

  • in developing and supporting partnerships to enhance the health and well-being of individuals, families and communities.

  • in being accountable to the people of Newfoundland and Labrador.

Business Lines

1.    Policy and Program Development

The Department will lead the development, planning, research and evaluation of provincial policies and programs to ensure that services are integrated and evidence-based.

2.    Support to Boards and Agencies

The Department will provide direction and support to agencies and regional boards to deliver a continuum of programs and services within available resources.

3.    Departmental Support Services

The Department will maintain organizational structures, functions and resources to support the Department's mission.






































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