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Key Recommendations

Conference Recommendations on Employment Equity Issues and Strategies

Following discussions in working groups and a synthesis of their findings, participants came to a consensus on priority recommendations to address key issues in EE which they felt would demonstrate political will and commitment.

Key Issues

  1. Accountability at all levels and performance of managers
  2. Institutional accountability (system-wide)
  3. Training to address cultural stereotyping and exclusion
  4. Representation on selection boards
  5. Mentoring opportunities

Other key issues raised by participants

  • Information sharing and communication between managers and Visible Minorities as well as among Visible Minorities themselves
  • Support for Visible Minorities in management positions
  • Training for promotion
  • Appointments without competition, and knowledge of legislation and programs on the part of managers

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Priority Recommendations

Five priority recommendations emerged from reports of the working groups and were endorsed by the full plenary of the Conference:

  1. Accountability and Performance

Two approaches are recommended to address accountability and performance – one approach focuses on individual managers and the other on departments as whole organizations.

For individual managers, the Conference recommends that:
  1. Accountability for EE planning and implementation be written into performance contracts for all managers;
  2. Based on performance appraisals, rewards be given for good/excellent performance (e.g. bonus) and corrective measures taken for poor performance or non-compliance (e.g. pay cut and/or removal of delegated authority);
  3. The competency of managers be measured with regard to EE and Diversity (place managers on probation [e.g. three years], pending EE performance assessment).
  1. Institutional Accountability (System-wide)

With regard to departmental or system-wide accountability, the Conference recommends:

An Ombudsman or independent agency monitor EE programs and ensure accountability. More specifically, an Office of Employment Equity Commissioner be established at arms length from the Canadian Human Rights Commissioner and report directly to Parliament. The Office must develop a consistent accountability framework to include:

  • Standards and competency;
  • Education and training programs;
  • Performance measures and promotion;
  • Code of conduct to promote workplace dignity and respect for diversity monitoring follow-up on legitimate complaints evaluation and enforcement–evaluation with consequences such as rewards and penalties including job loss and paycuts.
  1. Education and Training

The Conference recommends that:
  • There be mandatory orientation, education and training in EE and Diversity for all managers as well as other employees;
  • EE modules be integrated into all courses;
  • Programs be developed to train Visible Minorities and provide them with experience for upward mobility.
  1. Visible Minorities on Selection Boards

The Conference recommends that:
  • Selection Boards reflect the available workforce;
  • Visible Minorities be trained for Board membership;
  • A database of qualified and interested Visible Minorities, both internally and externally, be developed as a source for recruitment of Board members;
  • Visible Minorities on Boards must not be seen as just meeting targets but must have influence and power.
  1. Mentoring Programs

The Conference recommends that:
  • An inter-departmental mentoring program be established;
  • Visible Minorities who have retired from the public service be recruited as mentors;
  • Visible Minority employees need mentors (not only Visible Minorities) who are sensitive.

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Other Recommendations Include

  • Departments must set numerical targets
  • Remove bias from test;
  • The public service should promote career opportunities within targeted communities with outreach programs and mechanisms;
  • A redress mechanism should be reinstated;
  • Managers must have people skills, respect and fairness;
  • Lobby political parties and unions to get commitment;
  • Self-identification should be clearly explained to all managers and employees;
  • Visible Minority employees and Visible Minorities in executive positions should give mutual support to each other.

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Last Updated: 2004-04-14 12:55:05
Page Created: 2004-04-12 21:55:46