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Appendix A: Symposium objectives

  • To provide Visible Minority employees with information and tools to advance their careers
  • To identify and implement specific actions to further the development of NCVM and its partnerships with various stakeholders
  • To continue the dialogue between Visible Minority employees and managers with respect to corporate culture change

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Appendix B: Symposium program

DAY 1 - Monday, November 25th, 2002

7:30 :  Registration And Continental Breakfast

9:30 : Opening Remarks: Jacqueline Edwards President, NCVM
Keynote Address: Dr. Alex Himelfarb, Clerk of the Privy Council and Secretary to the Cabinet

10:30 Health Break

11:00 Plenary Session NCVM National Report (Followed by Participants Discussion)

12:00 Networking Lunch

1:30 Concurrent Workshops

  1. Embracing Change Beyond the Benchmarks
  2. The Importance of Self-Identification
  3. Tools for Career Planning and Progression
  4. Opportunities for Growth in the Federal Public Service
  5. Representation at Higher Levels: Breaking Through the Barriers

3:00 Health Break

3:30 Regional Discussion Groups

DAY 2 - TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26th, 2002

7:30 Continental Breakfast

8:30 Plenary Session Panel Presentations: Key Issues Affecting Minorities · Term Employ m e n t · Human Resources Modernization · Visible Minority Career Assignment Program ( Followed by Participants Discussion)

10:00 Health Break

10:30 Concurrent Workshops

  1. Embracing Change Beyond the Benchmarks
  2. Tools for Career Planning and Progression
  3. Opportunities for Growth in the Federal Public Service
  4. Representation at Higher Levels: Breaking Through the Barriers

12:00 Plenary Session Networking Lunch Guest Speaker: The Honourable Sheila Copps, Minister of Canadian Heritage

1:30 Plenary Session National Board Exchange ( Participants Discussion prior to the Elections)

2:30 Health Break

3:00 NCVM Annual General Meeting

  • Preparation for Elections
  • Elections (national and regional)

Concurrent Workshop For Non-Voting Symposium Particiants

  • A Dialogue on Corporate Culture and Employment Equity Speakers: Frank Claydon, Privy Council Office & Peter Homulos, Treasury Board Secretariat

7:00 (P.M.) Reception

7:30 Dinner And Cultural Evening


7:30 Continental Breakfast

9:00 Plenary Session Guest Speaker: Michael "Pinball" Clemons President, Toronto Argonauts Football Club

10:00 Elections Report Dennis Waithe, Chair of the Elections Committee

10:30 Regional Caucuses; Theme: Making NCVM More Participatory and Engaging

11:15 Plenary Session Guest Speaker: The Honourable Donald H. Oliver Senate of Canada

12:15 Closing Remarks: Jacqueline Edwards President, NCVM

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Appendix C: Organizing committee

Canadian Heritage
-Alex Hector

Health Canada
-Jewel Ferguson
-Adelaida Bustamante
-Sandra Louis Jeune
-Dennis Waithe

Canadian Centre for Management Development
-Frankley Harvey
-Susan Licari
-Josiane Lacelle

Canadian Customs and Revenue Agency
-Efren Marquez

Canadian International Development Agency
-Ewart Walters

Correctional Service Canada
-Jacqueline Edwards

Dennery Resources
-Dominique Dennery

Parks Canada
-Sheila Lucas-Cole

Public Works and Government Services Canada
-Wilma Findlay
-Awad Loubani
-Violet Mason

Treasury Board Secretariat
-Aldean Andersen

Alex Himelfarb
Frank Claydon
Peter Homulos
Jocelyne Khayrati
Cynthia Binnington
Ginette Cripwell & Dennis Thompson
Joel Weiner
Lauren Nancoo
Amelita Armit
George Tsaï
Corita Harty
Dominique Dennery
Dennis Waithe
Maureen Cruz
Sikladr Majid
Seyi Malcom
Major Caralynn Ann Armstrong
Marcia Brown
Louis Vigneault
Byron Zizman
Anil Arora
Aloma Lawrence
Tina Walter
Trish Horrish
Carl Taylor
André Carrière
John Baglow
Michael Kavanah
The Honourable Sheila Copps
Michael "Pinball" Clemons
Scott Serson
Marie Edith St-Vil
Adeilada Bustamante
Rima Ammouri
The Honourable Donald H. Oliver
Michael Olutu
Wilma Findlay
Jacqueline Edwards
Susan Licari
Josiane Lacelle

Marwan Taliani
Sylvan Williams
Fo Niemi
Ronald J. Beliard
Jonas Ma

Graphic Artists
Juan Amachi
Caroline Brouillard

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Appendix D: Attendance List By Region


Attendance by region federal departments / agencies or institutions (total of 516)

 AtlanticQuebec NCROntario CentralWestern  
Region55 51 262 76 27 45
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada 3-13-41
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency 4-----
Canadian Centre for Management Development--1---
Canadian Coast Guard1-----
Canada Council for the Arts---1--
Canada Customs and Re venue Agency 11-32441
Canada Economic Development -2----
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency --1---
Canadian Food Inspection Agency-123-1
Canadian Grain Commission ----22
Canadian Heritage113-3-
Canadian Human Rights Commission --41--
Canadian International Development Agency --5---
Canadian Radio -Television and Telecom. Commission--2---
Canadian Space Agency-1----
Canadian Transportation Agency--1---
Citizen and Immigration Canada -4167-2
Communications Research Centre --1---
Correctional Service Canada 1243--
Environment Canada 1119-3
Federal Court of Canada --1---
Finance Canada1-2---
First Nations and Inuit Health Branch 1-----
Fisheries and Oceans Canada 3-52--
Foreign Affairs and International Trade--10---
Hazardous Materials Information Review Commission--1---
Health Canada 32101137
Human Resources Development Canada 36111414
Immigration and Refugee Board-522--
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada--222-
Industry Canada-16--1
Justice Canada-24--4
National Defence2-141-2
National Energy Board -----1
National Farm Products Council--1---
National Library Canada and National Archives Canada--3---
National Managers' Community Council---1--
Natural Resources Canada-114--1
NCVM Board1-31--
Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages--1---
Office of the Secretary to the Governor General--1---
Parks Canada22-1-1
Passport Office--2---
Privy Council Office--2---
Public Service Alliance of Canada--2---
Public Service Commission2421434
Public Works and Government Services Canada8417214
Quebec Federal Council -1----
Royal Canadian Mounted Police--3121
Social Science Employees Association--3---
Solicitor General of Canada-11---
Statistics Canada-112---
Status of Women Canada-11---
Success Skills Centre 1-----
Tax Court of Canada--1---
The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada-1----
Transport Canada-323-1
Transportation Safety Board --1---
Treasury Board Secretariat--16---
Veterans Affairs641312
Western Economic Diversification Canada----11

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Appendix E: Reports submitted

Daily Summary Reports of the 2002 Symposium (November 25th, 26th and 27th)
Report on Achievements November 2001-2002 Making a Difference: Taking Actions and Influencing Change

Embracing Change in the Federal Public Service – Stocktaking – 2002
NCVM Financial Notes - distributed to delegates at the Annual General Meeting
The Joint PSAC/TBS Term Employment Study
NCVM Election Processes and Procedures
NCVM Election Processes and Procedures – Addendum 1
NCVM Western Region – Regional Report – Together We can Make It Happen – Nov. 2002
NCVM Central Region Report 3rd Annual Forum – September 2002
NCVM Central Region Visible Minority Youth Forum Report – Winnipeg – July 2002
NCVM Central Region Annual Report – November 2001-November 2002
Central Voices – Central Region’s Newsletter May/August 2002
Status Report – The National Capital Region – November 2002
The Voice of the Capital Region – NCR’s Newsletter September 2002
Atlantic Region Annual Report – November 2002
Atlantic Region News – November 2002


  • Opportunity for Growth in the Federal Public Service (Aloma Lawrence, Biron Zizman,
    Anil Arora);
  • Tools for Career Planning and Progression (Major Caralynn A Armstrong, Dennis Waithe, Seyi (Shay) Malcolm)
  • Embracing Change Beyond the Benchmarks (Joel Weiner / Corita Harty, Ginette
    Cripwell, Cynthia Binnington)

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Appendix F - Annual General Meeting / Elections Report

Chaired by Dominique Dennery for the Annual General Meeting and Dennis Waithe, Chair of the Elections Committee

Many questions were raised and the Executives responded.

On financial results: The delegates were told that the Board received funding from various federal departments and agencies. NCVM has asked Deputy Minister champions to find on its behalf a total of $1.4 million. The Council has only received a portion of that amount (about $761,000.00). The executive members also talked about the national agenda and that each region has identified its needs and brought forward proposals for activities. All funded regional activities were listed in the NCVM's 2002 National Report .

Also mentioned were some difficulties encountered by the Board to receive reports from some of the regions in a timely manner. The reports that were received were shared widely.

On NCVM's Terms of Reference: NCVM has already prepared a document in this regard. However, the existing document is under review by a legal team and a sub-committee. The new draft should have NCVM ByLaws and it should also address the issues of accountability frameworks, reporting, etc. Once the document is finalized, the Board could expand the subcommittee to include people from the regions and it may be ready for the launching of the National Report in March 2003

On NCVM's operational priorities: NCVM needs a national Secretariat in order to be more responsive to the needs of the membership. The recruitment of a full-time Communications Director was also identified as a priority. The regional executives will have to meet on a regular basis with their constituents, and, finally, access to NCVM's funding was considered to be a huge obstacle to overcome .

ELECTIONS REPORT Chaired by Dennis Waithe and assisted by: Alex Hector, Don Vernon, Sandra Louis-Jeune, Sharon Wallace, Charmaine Johnson-Mentlak, Batool Siddiqui

Mr. Dennis Waithe, the Chair of the Elections Committee, reminded the delegates that elections in general are never an easy task. He pointed out that the processes and procedures used for these elections were drawn from the existing NCVM's Terms of Reference (TOR). The elections, he specified, would take place in a sequential manner, starting with NCVM 's five key executive positions on the National Board: president, first and second vice-presidents, treasurer and secretary.

Election for the President of NCVM

Two candidates were nominated: Jacqueline Edwards, the incumbent president and Nadine Daley. Suneela Chopra-Kumar was nominated but declined to run for the presidency. The two candidates were available to answer questions after a short presentation to the delegates.

Results of the ballots for the Presidency

Jacqueline Edwards19771.4
Nadine Daley7928.6

Election for the 1st Vice-President of NCVM

 The nominations were: Suneela Chopra-Kumar, Richard Sharpe, Dr. Igho Natufe. It was agreed that voting would immediately follow the candidates' presentation to the delegates.

Results of the ballots for the 1st Vice-Presidency

Suneela Chopra - Kumar,8736.7
Richard Sharpe8234.6
Dr. Igho Natufe6828.7
Total 237100.0

Election for the 2nd Vice-President of NCVM

The nominations were: Sharmon Carrington, Wilma Findlay, Angelo Mangatal. Richard Sharpe was nominated but declined to run for the 2n d Vice-Presidency. It was decided that voting would immediately follow the candidates' presentation to the delegates.

Results of the ballots for the 2nd Vice-President of NCVM

Wilma Findlay9943.0
Angelo Mangatal9742.2
Sharmon Carrington3414.8
Total 230100.0


Election for the Treasurer of NCVM

The nominations were: Efren Marquez, Angelo Mangatal. Efren Marquez decided not to run and declined the nomination.

Mr. Angelo Mangatal was acclaimed and declared Treasurer by the Elections Committee Chair.

Election for the Secretary of NCVM

The nominations were: Richard Sharpe, Dr. Igho Natufe.The delegates had heard both nominees already and the Chair called for the delegates to go straight to the ballot box.

Results of the ballots for the Secretary

Richard Sharpe13865.1
Igho Natufe7434.9

Results of Regional Elections :

National Capital Region :
Director: Adelaida Bustamante
Deputy Director : Rima Ammouri
Secretary-Treasurer : Sandrine Gopaulen

Quebec Region:
Director : Simon N'Guiamba
Deputy Director : Zoulikha Kouider
Secretary-Treasurer : Cheryl Ewane Ebele

Ontario Region:
Director : Sharmon Carrington
Deputy Director : Marsha Mazzocato
Secretary-Treasurer : Elma Dixon

Central Region :
Director: Brian Yee
Deputy Director : Maureen Cruz
Secretary-Treasurer : Melinda Patterson

Western Region :
Director : Johann Tan
Deputy Director : Ken Matende
Secretary-Treasurer : Nazlin Peermohamed

Atlantic Region :
Director : Noel Ayangma
Deputy Director : Monica Paris
Secretary-Treasurer: Zepheniah Otuki

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Appendix G - National and Regional Executives 2002-2004

National Executives


Jacqueline Edwards began her career with the Correctional Service of Canada as a Correctional Officer in February 1995. In 2000, she was assigned to the Ontario Recruitment Team.

For the past three years, Ms. Edwards has led a recruitment "Outreach Project" in partnership with the Public Service Commission (PSC) and Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) to better inform ethnocultural communities and educational institutions on career opportunities within the Public Service. She has established active relationships with well over one hundred multicultural communities throughout the Province of Ontario. Tireless and passionate, she has chaired the Ontario Regional Racial Harmony Committee for several years and she is currently the Vice-President of the Association of Black Law Enforcement (ABLE) Professionals.

SUNEELA CHOPRA-KUMAR - 1st Vice-President

Suneela Chopra - Kumar is the Director, Centre for Leadership in Employment Equity, Diversity and Rejuvenation for the Public Service Commission (PSC), Western and Northern Region, a new initiative she has launched with the PSC. She has over 17 years of experience in the field of organizational development and Employment Equity/Diversity management.

Suneela was Executive Secretary to President of the Treasury Board's Advisory Committee on Visible Minorities and also District Director of Staffing for the Public Service Commission in British Columbia. She has developed the Leadership and Career Mobility Initiative (LCMI) to facilitate acting assignments and training for visible minority employees. She has designed and taught university curriculum for Managing Human Resource Diversity, coordinated, chaired and presented numerous conferences on leadership, communication and marketing skills.

WILMA FINDLAY - 2nd Vice-President


Angelo Mangatal is the Manager, New Vehicle Efficiency Policy, Transportation Energy Use Division, at the Office of Energy Efficiency. He has worked for Canada's Crown Corporations and the private sector, including 18 years at Canadian National Railways (CN), 7 years at Canadian Pacific Railway (CP) and 3 years in the Federal Public Service; and Vice-President of the Canadian Auto Workers (CAW) Rail Division in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

The challenge of achieving targets and managing various human resource issues in different industries has helped him to develop superlative communication, negotiating, mediation and conflict resolution skills. Angelo believes that commitment from all stakeholders is the key to effect lasting corporate culture change.


Richard Sharpe has worked with the Canadian Grain Commission in Winnipeg as a Graphic Designer since 1996. Richard has been active in the area of Employment Equity within the Federal Public Service and in the community.

A board member on the Workers of Colour Support Network and an active member of the Winnipeg Social Planning Council, Richard has collaborated on a number of successful worker related support and anti-racism initiatives. He represents racially visible employees as a member of the Public Service Alliance of Canada National Equal Opportunities Committee.

Regional Executives



Noel Ayangma joined Health Canada as First Nations Health Information Coordinator. He is presently working in the capacity of Program Manager. In 1988, he accepted a two-term school teaching assignment in Summerside, Prince-Edward Island. In 1991 Mr. Ayangma accepted a term appointment with the Department of Veterans Affairs Canada, first as a Research Assistant and, later, as a Evaluation Analyst. In 1995, Dr. Ayangma was involved with the Red Cross as International Development Coordinator and also worked as part-time teacher.

Mr. Ayangma is also the President of the Prince-Edward Island Multicultural Council, the Chair of the Atlantic Regional Advisory Committee on Diversity (ARACD) and also a member of the Internal Review Committee at Health Canada.

MONICA PARIS - Deputy Director

Currently an Information Technology Analyst employed by the Canada Customs and Re venue Agency (CCRA). Monica has been with the Federal Public Service for 5 years. Before entering the Federal Public Service, Monica worked for seve ral years in different departments within the Province of Nova Scotia.

Although relatively new to the Public Service, Monica has been active with CCRA's Employment Equity visible minority sub-committee promoting the need for inclusion of visible minority people into all levels of the organization and trying to help visible minority youths get into the Public Service. Monica is also active in trying to effect organizational culture change within CCRA, which she believes is key to making visible minority employees equal within the Public Service.

ZEPHENIAH OTUKI - Secretary / Treasurer

Zepheniah Otuki is a Client Accommodation Services Advisor, Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC), Atlantic Region. He joined the Public Service in the year 2000. He has a graduate business degree from the Unive r s i ty of New Brunswick, Canada. He hopes to get to the EX level in the next 5-7 years and he focuses on the possibilities. He is also a member of the PWGSC's National Ethics Leadership Team and has been on the board of some community organizations.



Mr. Simon N'Guiamba has been a Programmer Analyst, Systems Administrator and Application Developer for Natural Resources Canada since January 1997. Mr. N'Guiamba has worked as a Computer Science Con-sultant at the Head Office of the pharmaceutical giant "Jean Coutu Group" where he designed and developed applcations for the 250 Canadian branches and 280 Brooks branches in the United States. He was also a lecturer at College Bois-de-Boulogn in Montreal.

He was among the Reviewers of a college level computer science study program at the request of the Quebec Department of Education and Project Manager at the "Montreal Computer Research Centre " (CRIM) on behalf of Natural Resources Canada. He is responsible for the NCVM's Web Committee for the Quebec Region.

ZOULIKHA KOUIDER - Deputy Director

CHERYL EWANE EBELE - Secretary/Treasurer

Cheryl Ewane Ebele is an Advisor for Salary and Social Benefits at Health Canada. She has worked for the Federal Public Service since June 1998. She has provided administrative support to NCVM and since the month of November 2001, has been responsible for logistics and communications and was involved in organizing the first NCVM Regional Conference in Quebec.

National Capital Region 


Adelaida Bustamante, is currently Manager, Workforce Equity, Values and Ethics at Health Canada. She joined the Public Service thirteen years ago shortly after obtaining a B.Sc. (Microbiology) from the University of British Columbia. She has worked in various capacities including research technologist, policy analyst and program manager. She has always been active, committed and passionate about Employment Equity, Diversity and race-related issues. This passion and commitment have been recognized through various awards including the 2002 Public Service Employment Equity and Diversity Award.

RIMA AMMOURI - Deputy Director

Rima Ammouri has been an economist at the Regulations, Research and Analysis, Canadian Transportation Agency, since 2001. Prior to her work at the Agency, she held different positions as consultant, researcher, part-time lecturer, planner and manager at the University of New Brunswick and she worked with international consultants on large international development projects.

Mrs. Ammouri is a member of the Order of Urban Planners of Quebec, member of the Canadian Institute of Planners, and member and treasurer of the Ottawa Branch of the Canadian Institute of Geomatics.

SANDRINE GOPAULEN - Secretary / Treasurer

Sandrine Gopaulen is a Business Number Analyst at Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA). She joined Canada Customs and Revenue Agency as a Systems Analyst in Ottawa in 2000 after her graduation.

As a college student, she collaborated in the establishment of an intercultural committee at College Bois-de-Boulogne in Montreal. She has participated as a volunteer in the CCRA Information Technology Branch Wellness Fair 2002-multicultural event and plans to be an active member dedicated to visible minority issues. She has the desire to promote cultural diversity at all levels in the Public Service, a diversity that reflects our Canadian society.

Ontario Region


Sharmon Lynette Carrington is a Senior Human Resources Advisor and the Regional Employment Equity and Diversity Coordinator for Health Canada, Ontario Region. She is a recipient of the Queen's Jubilee Commemorative Medal for Diversity work in Ontario and she is proud to have been elected for a second term to the position of NCVM 's Regional Director for the Ontario Region.

MARCIA MAZZO CATO - Deputy Director

ELMA DIXON - Secretary / Treasurer

Central Region

BRIAN YEE - Director

Brian Yee is a Professional Engineer and is the Manager of the Water Survey for Environment Canada in the Province of Saskatchewa n . He is a member of the Environment Canada Visible Minority Network an he represents his region as a member of Environment Canada's Values and Ethics Committee.

Brian was first involved with the NCVM when he attended the Central Region Forum held in Winnipeg in May 2000. He then was elected Deputy Director, NCVM Central Region in October 2000. Brian is active with the Saskatchewan Embracing Change Committee and the Federal Managers Council of Saskatchewan. He is also involved in the Chinese community in Regina, sits on the board of his church, and he is a sprint and hurdles coach with the Regina Wheat City Track and Field Club.

MAUREEN CRUZ - Deputy Director

Maureen Cruz is a Service Delivery Representative for Employment Insurance Call Centre at Human Resource Development Canada - Winnipeg, Manitoba. Maureen worked as an Instructor/Course Developer and Service Excellence Training Specialist in private industry before coming to the Fe d e ral Public Service in 2001. She is currently on a working assignment at the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) Regional Office - Prairies, based in Winnipeg.

She was recently elected President of her local 50767 -CEIU (Canadian Employment & Immigration Union). At HRDC, Maureen is an active member of the Social Committee and Team E.I.S.P. (Every Individual Serves a Purpose) committee, which helps foster motivation and increase morale in the workplace. Maureen is an active NCVM youth for the Central Region, in planning, organizing and facilitating events.

MELINDA PATTERSON - Secretary / Treasurer

Melinda Patterson is presently employed with the National Microbiology Laboratory of Health Canada as an Executive Assistant. She is a native of Halifax, Nova Scotia and presently resides in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Melinda has been a public servant for the past 15 years. She has been involved in community and cultural activities since the early eighties. In 1995, she began working with Environment Canada where she became involved in the Environment Canada Visible Minority Network. In 1999 she was introduced to the National Council for Visible Minorities (NCVM). Melinda's passion is to help pave the way to make life easier for the generation that follows.

Western Region 

JOHANN TAN - Director

Johann Tan has been a Federal Public Service employee for the past 15 years. Johann commenced his public service career with the Income Security Program of Health & Welfare Canada, moved on briefly to Veterans Affairs and then to Canada Customs as a Customs Inspector in Edmonton. Johann is currently on assignment as the Embracing Change Coordinator with the Alberta Federal Council.

Johann is a human rights and community activist who believes in social justice and committed to be part of the solution and vehicle in creating a just and fair society. A unionist at heart, Johann is an elected Equal Opportunities Committee (EOC) Representative of the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) and was the PSAC Pra i r i e Region Council Equity Representative from 1999-2001. He is currently the PSAC representative at the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC ) Solidarity and Pride Working Group. Johann believes in human dignity and equal opportunity for all.

KEN MATENDE - Deputy Director

Ken Matende joined Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC), Pacific Region as an architectural co-op student from Dalhousie University in September 2000. He is currently a Technical Officer (Architecture) with the same department (AES - PTS) while finishing off his architectural studies at the University of British Columbia .

He is also pursuing a Doctor in Ministry (Leadership Track) degree at Gordon Conwell University, Charlotte, North Carolina after successful completion of a Master of Divinity degree at Regent College, Vancouver. He is the first visible minority member to serve on the Executive Church Board of Glad Tidings Missionary Society.

NAZLIN PEERMOHAMED - Secretary / Treasurer

Nazlin is an Insurance Officer at Human Resources Development Canada. Born and raised in Kenya - East Africa, she arrived in Canada in 1977 and was hired by Unemployment Insurance Canada as a stenographer for the Board of Referees. She now has 26 years of service at HRDC. Her goal before retirement is to be assigned to United Way for two years and increase donations for the federal department and hopefully become part of the management team. She is proud that she will be working with a very dedicated team on the NCVM Board.


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Last Updated: 2004-04-14 13:20:03
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