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Quebec Region

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New: The last NCVM Quebec bulletin is posted here: "La Passerelle"

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You can contact Quebec NCVM from Tuesday to Thursday between 8:30 am to 4:30 pm thru:

Mémine Jacquet

Executive Coordinator

Telephone : (514) 283-2691

Fax : (514) 283-2765

E-mail :

Postal address :

200, René-Lévesque West Blvd.

Guy-Favreau Complex, East Tower, 8th Floor

Montreal (Quebec) - H2Z 1X4

On Mondays and Fridays, the Excecutive Committee members remain at your disposal to answer to any urgent matters by e-mail or by telephone.

Your are a Quebec federal public servant and you want to become an NCVM member, just download this membership form, fill it out and send it back to us by e-mail or fax, as indicated.

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Quebec NCVM set up a new organizational structure.

The new structure leans on our conviction that our organization has to consolidate its foundations to be able to promote, efficiently and professionally, diversity within the public service. It was therefore built with the aim of :

  • Developing a philosophy of collective leadership;
  • Assuring a continuous leadership by preparing more leaders for the future; and,
  • Fulfilling quickly and precisely the members needs.

Moreover, to prevent the organization paralysis in the future, we made sure that :

  • the management in Quebec accepts to give an official recognition to our departmental coordinators and supports our advisors and officers;
  • we can rely on internal rules adapted to Quebec NCVM challenges.

We are glad for our success at this first chapter devoted to our institutional strengthening. Our warmest thanks to the members of Quebec federal Council and to all those who helped us achieving it.

By downloading Quebec NCVM Structure, you will better understand the process.

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The Executive Committee together with the advisors represent the Orientation Committee. They held a meeting the last Wednesday of each month. When the Departmental Coordinators join them, they become the Extended Orientation Committee. They held their meeting the last Wednesday of every trimester.

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We are glad to submit for comments the NCVM Quebec Global Strategy.

The Action Plan was elaborated by the organization's Work Groups ? set up following the Members Needs Survey ? and was discussed in the orientation meetings during the summer. Its pretension is to define a concrete raison d'etre for NCVM Quebec.

The Global Strategy is based on the principle that to be able to succeed in the promotion of diversity within the Federal Public Service, we need concrete local actions in a daily basis.This explains the degree of detail and exhaustiveness of the plan which would enable us to assume our mandate fully and to evaluate the quality of the results that we will obtain.

We think that the promotion of diversity within the Federal Public Service is at the crossroads. It has to renew itself to avoid losing the stakeholders confidence. We deeply hope that the Global Strategy will be received as a contribution for this renewal and that your trust will be expressed by the importance of the comments that you will share with us.

Your involvement is needed more than ever...

Please read the text by clicking on Global Strategy you will better understand our approach and mandate in relation to our members' needs.

Thank you !

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"La Passerelle" is the "trait d'union" between differents Quebec NCVM actors, as announced in the NCVM Quebec Global Strategy, program 8 in the Communication section. The NCVM Quebec bimonthly bulletin is yours, read it : Bulletin 1, Bulletin 2 .

Please do not hesitate to communicate your reactions, comments and suggestions. They will be used anyway to feed the "Readers' corner" specially reserved for you.

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Here are the main topics discussed:

(Coming soon)

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If you want to a feedback of the Forum, who attended it and how satisfied participants were, do not hesitate to click on Report and Attachments.

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The following minutes are availables for consultation by Quebec NCVM members upon request by telephone or by e-mail:


MARCH 29, 2005


Deadline to register to the Quebec NCVM Regional Conference of March 29, 2005 is next Wednesday, March 23rd at noon. Continue to send us your registration forms. Just a reminder, the conference is 100% free of charge and it is considered as a training session for authorization and reimbursement of expense purposes. The Regional Directors are informed of this event.

We hope that you will be pleased with the theme and the various speakers chosen for their real commitment to promoting “diversity.” They will talk about the three concepts that define our vision of “diversity” in the federal Public Service:

  • Inclusion: “welcome” difference and not only “tolerate” it;
  • Proactivity: everyone has the power to change things; therefore, we must develop a “culture of action” that supports “agents of change” that are necessary to the “modernization” of the Public Service;
  • Responsiveness to the community: the Public Service must always actively listen to the community to identify and respond to its various needs.

The day will begin at 8:30 am (breakfast will be served from 7:30 am) and end at 4:30 pm once the names of the next officials of the Quebec Executive NCVM Committee are announced. Please find attached each candidates program:

  • Secretary-Treasurer: Marie Nancy Philidor
  • Vice-Chairperson: Jennyne Mayard
  • Chairperson: Yacine Agnaou

Regarding the election, we have decided to recruit candidates within the Transition Committee despite our strong efforts to widen the pond of candidatures.

Given the situation, the vote by anticipation is cancelled. Instead of the secret vote foreseen during the Conference, we will proceed to the confirmation of candidates in their functions by applause unless a member objects .

The Committee of transition thanks you very much for your support throughout the last four months...

Transition Committee
NCVM Quebec

Members: Brenda Encarnacion - Marie-Nancy Philidor - Rita Haddad - Marie-Andrée Fortune – Jennyne Mayard - Zoulikha Fadila Kouider - Jean Milfort - Yacine Agnaou

Important Notes

The Conference Program, the Registration Form, the Membership Form, the candidates’ platforms and the Advance Voting Ballot are attached:

Please note that the completed registration and membership forms must be
e-mailed to or faxed to (514) 283-5084.

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TERM: APRIL 2005 - MARCH 2007

On March 29, 2005, an election will be held for the new Quebec Executive Committee. It will be held during our regional conference at the Holiday Inn Select in Montreal (invitation to follow). After the vote, we will then know who will be the next Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and Secretary-Treasurer of the NCVM Quebec.

As you know, as in most provinces, the NCVM is represented by a regional decision-making body that works closely with the National Board to promote a federal Public Service that welcomes difference, is proactive in its ability to innovate and is responsive to the needs of Canadians … these are the three basic concepts of our vision of “diversity” in the Public Service!

In order to ensure permanency and to have our voices heard, we invite you to participate in this electoral event either as a candidate for an elected position or as an elector. The new Quebec Executive Committee will begin work on April 1, 2005, and will serve for a two-year period.

In order to vote in this election, all public servants must first submit a Membership Form certifying that they are a member of the NCVM Quebec. To be eligible, the member must also satisfy the requirements of the Election Timetable, starting by completing the Nomination Form.

In order to effectively carry out its mission, our organization needs representatives who are fully committed to the cause of “diversity” in the Public Service. In the service of the public interest, being an officer of the NCVM Quebec is undeniably gratifying, nevertheless this responsibility is on a volunteer basis! Our discussions with regional managers are intended to find lasting solutions to allow our future leaders to muster the time and energy needed to fulfill the duties they will have so generously agreed to take on for the given period of time, until other leaders take over. It is this continuity of the passion and the assurance that nobody is irreplaceable that make our institution strong, relevant and lasting.

Your voice and active participation are required so we can pursue our activities as an organization. Together, we will continue to make history.

Transition Committee

NCVM Quebec

Members: Marie-Nancy Philidor - Rita Haddad - Marie-Andrée Fortune - Zoulikha Fadila Kouider - Jean Milfort - Yacine Agnaou

NCVM Quebec : Election campaign





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Last Updated: 2006-10-26 17:00:30
Page Created: 2004-03-25 10:13:05