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Environmental Books and Publications from UNEP
and Key International Organisations

Planet in Peril: Atlas of Current Threats to People and the Environment

Planet in Peril: Atlas of Current Threats to People and the EnvironmentThis Atlas offers an important analysis of the major threats to today’s population and environment. Illustrating through text, maps, and diagrams the relationship between population and the world’s ecosystems and natural resources both in the short and long terms; the Atlas brings together a wealth of information from the most up-to-date sources.
Planet in Peril is published by GRID-Arendal in collaboration with Le Monde  Diplomatique.
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Maps & Graphics Library

GRID-Arendal Maps & Graphics LibraryOne of the cornerstones in communicating enviromental issues is through visual means, something that has been practiced by UNEP/GRID-Arendal through out the years. As an ongoing project the Maps & Graphics Library have been set up to collect and present a diverse collection of products in a wide range of themes and covering all geographic areas. Not only images, but also interactive maps are presented on this site.
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Mining for Closure

Mining for Closure – Policies and guidelines for sustainable mining practice and closure of mines aims to present a basis for action within South Eastern Europe (SEE) and within the Tisza River Basin (TRB) towards the development of corporate practice, regulatory frameworks, governance guidelines and/or financial and insurance markets suitable for the support of a modern mining industry. This publication of the Environment and Security Initiative (ENVSEC) was launched during the ENVSEC Advisory Board Meeting in Bratislava, 29-30 September 2005.


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UNEP statement regarding sealing campaign -- UNEP/GRID-Arendal has recently been approached by Indigenous Peoples organizations that have seen UNEP's logo on the web-site of the company Wildlife Works. This has been incorrectly interpreted as UN...

GEO Year Book 2006 launched in Dubai -- The GEO Year Book 2006 is the third annual survey of the changing global environment produced by the United Nations Environment Programme, in collaboration with many world experts in environmental res...

Press Conference 'Green Thinking Poster Challenge' february the 8th -- UNEP/GRID-Arendal and Stinta skole invites the press to a Press Conference in Arendal Library, Wednesday february the 8th14:30.

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