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Satellite image of Canada
Natural Resources Canada
Urban geology
Urban geology of the National capital area
.Study area
.Geological History
.Precambrian Formations
.Paleozoic Formations
.Silurian to Quaternary
.Subsurface Database
.Sources of information
.Standardization and validation
.Bedrock Geology
.Geotechnical Characteristics of Rock Formations
.Joints and Faults
.Bedrock Topography
.Bedrock Stratigraphy
.Surficial Geology
.Drift Thickness
.Overburden aquifers
.Bedrock aquifers
.Drainage basins
.Online Data
Related links
.Geoscape Ottawa-Gatineau

Geological Survey of Canada
Geological Survey of Canada

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ÿGeological Survey of Canada
Natural Resources Canada > Earth Sciences Sector > Priorities > Geological Survey of Canada > Urban Geology
Urban Geology of the National Capital Area
How to use the map viewer

RefreshRefresh Map button
You must press this button each time you check or uncheck a checkbox to make a layer visible or invisible. You must also push the Refresh Map button when you change the active layer (i.e. the layer you want to query).

Legend/Layer ListLegend/Layer List button
Click this tool to toggle between the layer list or the legend, which show you the symbology for each layer.

Overview MapOverview Map button
Click this tool to add or remove the overview map which appear in the top left corner of the map displayed.

Zoom InZoom In button
Select this tool, then draw a rectangle on the map by holding the mouse button. You will change the initial extent of the map to a smaller area.

Zoom OutZoom Out button
Select this tool, then click on a spot on the map, and the view will zoom out and center on that spot. You can also draw a rectangle on the map by holding the mouse button. The extent of the map will change to a larger area.

Zoom to Full ExtentZoom to Full Extent button
Click this tool to zoom to the full extent of the map.

Zoom to Active LayerZoom to Active Layer button
Click this tool to zoom to the extent of the active layer. You can select the active layer on the right side of the map.

Back to Last ExtentBack to Last Extent button
Click this tool to go back to the extent of the previous map displayed.

PanPan button
Select this tool, then click and drag on the map to pan to a new area.

North South West EastPan One Direction button
Select one of these tools to pan the map a specified direction.

IdentifyIdentify button
Click this tool to get attribute information about a feature on the map. Select the active layer you want to query on the right side of the map.

Query BuilderQuery Builder button
Click this tool to construct queries on the map service data.

FindFind button
Click this tool to find the map feature(s) based on a text string the user type. Select the active layer you want to query on the right side of the map. The search is case-sensitive.

MeasureMeasure button
Click this tool to measure distances on the map. Each time you click on the map, a red dot will appear. Wait for the dot before clicking on the map again. A red line will appear between each dot. This operation might take a few moments. Please be patient.

Set UnitsSet Units button
Click this tool to set the units for the Measure tool.

BufferBuffer button
Click this tool to insert a buffer zone around a feature.

Select by RectangleSelect by Rectangle button
Click this tool to select a group of features. Hold the mouse button to draw the rectangle. Select the active layer you want to query on the right side of the map.

Select by Line/PolygonSelect by Line/Polygon button
Click this tool to select a group of features. Each time you click on the map, a red dot will appear. Wait for the dot before clicking on the map again. A red line will appear between each dot. This operation might take a few moments. Please be patient.

Clear SelectionClear Selection button
Click this tool to unselect the current selection.

Print MapPrint Map button
Click this tool to print the current map. Type a title for the map and press the Create Print Page button.

Note: Printing from web browsers does not always produce the desired results. You can try your browser's print button, but you may end up with something other than what you expect. To print the whole viewer as you see it, including the title and legend, use your Print Screen button (with MS-Windows. ALT-PrtScr captures the active window only!), then open your favorite image software and paste the contents of the clipboard, and print.

2006-09-03Important notices