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Materials Technology Laboratory -- Laboratoire de la technologie des matériaux

Who we are ...

Operating within the Mineral Technology Branch (MTB) of Natural Resources Canada (NRCan), CANMET Materials Technology Laboratory (CANMET-MTL) is the largest research centre in Canada dedicated to metals and materials fabrication, processing and evaluation. A technical staff of almost 100 scientists and technicians, working in 23 000 square metres of well-equipped laboratories, is engaged in a research and development program designed to provide technology solutions for Canadian industry. CANMET-MTL is also home for the certification program for non-destructive testing personnel as well as an Engineering and Technical Services unit that provides the support needed for NRCan laboratories to carry out their projects.

What we do ...

CANMET-MTL develops and deploys technologies to improve all aspects of producing and using value-added products from metals and other materials. CANMET-MTL is responsible for providing sound technical input to codes and regulations to ensure public safety. Sustainable development, as it applies to reduced demand for materials and energy, is key to all CANMET-MTL's research and development programs. CANMET-MTL, recognizing that job creation and economic growth will occur through the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises, strives to ensure the competitiveness of these industries by advising them on how to improve their products and processes.

How we're organized ...

and where we're located.

Last Updated: 2005-10-20
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