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Energy prices

The year 2003 was marked by a major increase in the price of hydrocarbon fuels.


  • Price of crude oil
    • The average price of crude oil delivered to Québec rose by 16.5% in 2003 to reach a record level of CA$43.08 per barrel.
    • Nonetheless, when measured in constant dollars, this price remains less than the price at the beginning of the 1980's.
  • Petroleum product prices
    • The average increase in the price of petroleum products in Montréal was 16.3% for light heating oil, 7.5% for diesel fuel, 6.3% for regular unleaded gasoline, and 6.1% for heavy oil. The prices for these products have remained high since 2000.
    • In 2002, gasoline prices in Québec were higher than in the United States, but lower than in most major European countries.

  • The price of natural gas
    • The price of natural gas delivered to the Québec franchise was 20.8 cents per cubic metre in 2003, an increase of 22.5%.
    • This major increase was reflected in consumer prices, which reached unprecedented levels.

  • The price of electricity
    • In 2003, the average price of electricity in Québec for the various categories of consumption remained practically unchanged.
    • In general, electricity prices in Québec continue to be among the most advantageous in North America.
    • Electricity prices in Québec also compare very favourably with those in certain industrial countries outside North America.

See also

Énergie au Québec, édition 2004
Section III – Les prix de l'énergie (Format PDF, 131 Kb) (available in French)

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