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Government investing up to $4.2 million in flu vaccinations (06/10/31)
FREDERICTON (CNB) - The New Brunswick government will invest up to $4.2 million this fall to purchase and deliver publicly funded flu vaccines to infants, seniors and others at high risk of complicati...
Norovirus confirmed at Mount Allison University (06/10/18)
Miramichi to host sixth provincial suicide-prevention meeting (06/09/08)
Province to fund dedicated autism team at Stan Cassidy Centre for Rehabilitation (06/08/17)
Province investing $1.05 million in medical equipment in Miramichi Regional Health Authority (06/08/11)
Province investing $1.46 million in medical equipment in Acadie-Bathurst Health Authority (06/08/11)
Province investing $970,000 in medical equipment in Regional Health Authority 4 (06/08/11)
Province investing $1.075 million in medical equipment in Restigouche Health Authority 5 (06/08/11)
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Legislative Assembly
October  3, 2006
New Minister
Michael Murphy signs the register to become Minister of Health in the presence of Lt.-Gov. Herménégilde Chiasson, Premier Shawn Graham, and Clerk of ...
(Original) (English)
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