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4 novembre 2006
La stratégie d'innovation du Canada

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Blue Sky gets $1M for broadband Internet

Jennifer Hamilton-McCharles

Thursday, October 16, 2003 - 10:00

Local News - CORBEIL - Broadband Internet service could one day save a life in East Ferris, Fire Chief Bob Workman says.

Workman was on hand Wednesday to hear Nipissing MP Bob Wood announce that the Blue Sky Region Community Network will receive $1 million from Industry Canada to bring high-capacity Internet to unserviced communities.

More than 50 Blue Sky communities will benefit, including Arnstein, Chapman's Landing, Chiswick, Commanda, Corbeil, Dokis, Eau Claire and Wade's Landing.

Workman said he's confident the towers, which need to be erected, will resolve the volunteer fire department's communication problems.

"When we have one crew in Astorville and another in Corbeil, we have no means of communicating," he said.

"It's happened where we can't get hold of each other. Our cellphones and radios don't work, therefore the only way we can be contacted is through a paging system."

Workman said the problem has resulted in property damage.

"It may not be today or next week, but someday it's going to cost a life."

The Blue Sky network was among 33 successful applicants from across Canada.

Broadband is defined as a high-capacity Internet connection capable of supporting full-motion, real-time audio and video applications.

Township Coun. Donald Champagne said broadband Internet will "certainly increase productivity and generate more business" for his company, North Bay Plastic Molders Ltd. of Corbeil.

Wood agreed.

"Technology opens doors and breaks down barriers, and communities only accessible by boat and plane can now travel on the information highway," he said, adding that First Nation communities will also benefit.

"It's also going to give our young people another reason to stay in this community."

Susan Church, general manager of the Blue Sky Economic Growth Corporation, said a vendor has been selected and infrastructure work should start within six months.

"A number of gaps have been identified and it's critical to our economic development to address them," Church said.

Article posted in the Nugget.

Mise à jour: 2004-02-12

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