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Doing Business with CANMET-Materials Technology Laboratory
Academic User Access Facility
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Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What is CANMET-MTL?

A1. Located in Ottawa, the CANMET Materials Technology Laboratory (CANMET-MTL) is a division of the Minerals and Metals Sector of Natural Resources Canada (NRCan). Its mandate is to develop and deploy technologies that improve all aspects of producing and using value-added products derived from minerals and metals. Particular emphasis is placed on solving technological problems of relevance to NRCan's mandate in sustainable development and on transferring materials technology to Canadian companies.

Q2. What is AUAF?

A2. "AUAF" is the acronym for Academic User Access Facility. It is an initiative arising from an agreement among Natural Resources Canada, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), and McMaster University. Under the terms of the agreement, researchers from any Canadian university may apply for access to the pilot-scale materials processing facilities at CANMET-MTL.

Q3. Why should I apply through AUAF to gain access to CANMET-MTL facilities?

A3. The AUAF provides university researchers with: (1) the opportunity to prepare pilot-scale quantities of materials requiring specialized or unique equipment; (2) an expert team of operators; (3) the opportunity to conduct research at a reduced cost; and (4) safe operating conditions for pilot-scale work not available in universities.

Q4. How do I apply?

A4. Contact the CANMET-MTL Theme Leader representing the Theme Area in which you wish to apply. (If you are unsure about the most suitable Theme Area for your proposal, contact the AUAF Administrator). You will be provided with the coordinates of a CANMET-MTL Contact who will assist you in the preparation of your Research Proposal Application. Submit your completed application to the AUAF Administrator in electronic format or by fax or postal mail. See the Proposal Development, Submission, and Review Process page for complete details.

Q5. Can anyone apply?

A5. The AUAF is available to all members of the Canadian academic community, including members of the AUAF Management Committee. If an applicant is a member of the AUAF Management Committee, his or her application and the review process will be managed through the Chair of the AUAF Management Committee, Dr. David Wilkinson.

Q6. How much paperwork is involved?

A6. All applicants must complete a Research Proposal Application. If your project is accepted, you must complete a contractual agreement and provide a report at the end of the project.

Q7. Why do I need a CANMET-MTL Contact?

A7. Your CANMET-MTL Contact will assist you in the preparation of your application. He or she will: (1) ensure the application has clearly stated objectives and contains a plan that adequately describes the CANMET-MTL component of work; (2) assist in identifying the time and resources required for your project; and (3) determine whether it can be carried out effectively and safely.

Q8. My project does not fit into one of the four Theme Areas. Can I still apply?

A8. Yes. If you are unsure which Theme Area your proposal would fall under, contact the AUAF Administrator for assistance.

Q9. I am working with an industrial partner and my research project requires access to facilities available at CANMET-MTL. Should I submit a proposal to AUAF?

A9. No. You should contact the CANMET-MTL Business Manager, who will be pleased to discuss your particular circumstances and needs and will assist you in finding the most appropriate mechanism for conducting business with us.

Q10. What sizes and what kinds of projects are eligible?

A10. NSERC has awarded funding for the AUAF for a three-year period at $265 000 per year. Although there is no predetermined limitation on the size ($ value) or duration (from a few hours to three years) of a project, the AUAF Management Committee wishes to favour providing access on a merit basis (through the peer review process) to as many researchers in the Canadian academic community as possible. Projects can be in one of four Theme Areas. For detailed information, please see the Proposal Development, Submission, and Review Process page.

Q11. Why must I enter into a contract with CANMET-MTL?

A11. A contract is needed to govern three things: performance of the work by CANMET-MTL staff at the Academic User Access Facility, on-site use of the facility by academic researchers (and students), and the payment of user fees.

Q12. Will I receive financial assistance?

A12. Yes. Natural Resources Canada absorbs about 55 percent of the total AUAF project cost while the grant awarded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) provides for up to 30 percent of the cost. The remaining 15 percent is covered by user fees. Additionally, CANMET-MTL has limited funds to support students travelling to Ottawa.

Q13. What are the user fees?

A13. User fees are relatively small financial contributions from universities toward the AUAF project costs. They are $30 per hour for staff time. Where academic researchers use AUAF equipment themselves, there may be charges of $15/hour or $30/hour, depending on the value of the equipment.

Q14. Why are user fees imposed?

A14. User fees are a means of ensuring that the best possible use is made of the Academic User Access Facility. They are an essential funding component for the AUAF, contributing about 15 percent of the total project costs.

Q15. What equipment is available to me?

A15. The AUAF provides access to a wide selection of fabrication, processing and characterization equipment. Please see Eligible CANMET-MTL facilities for a complete list of available facilities and equipment.

Q16. How is my application processed?

A16. Upon receipt of an application, the AUAF Administrator reviews it for completeness. The Academic Theme Leader (for the Theme Area in which your application belongs) will select reviewers. Following this peer review, the Academic Theme Leader makes a recommendation to the AUAF Research Management Committee.

Q17. Who are the reviewers of projects?

A17. Reviewers are selected from members of the academic community, industry or government who have relevant experience and expertise in the subject area of the application.

Q18. Can I name reviewers for my application?

A18. Yes. We invite all applicants to provide the names of suggested reviewers on the application form. The final selection of reviewers, however, is the responsibility of the Academic Theme Leader for the Theme Area under which the application will be reviewed.

Q19. What criteria are used to judge AUAF proposals?

A19. A Research Proposal Application is reviewed on the basis of three criteria: (1) the scientific quality of the research; (2) the extent to which access to the AUAF will assist the researcher in meeting the goals of the proposed research project; and (3) whether the proposed work could be performed in other Canadian facilities more efficiently and effectively.

Q20. Under what conditions will academic users be provided access to the facility?

A20. The amount of access permitted for people and time at the Academic User Access Facility is determined on a project-by-project basis using the information contained in the application. The degree of access provided to academic users will be clearly outlined in the contract once the proposal is approved.

Q21. Who should I speak with if I have a problem?

A21. If you have questions or concerns, you may contact the AUAF Administrator by telephone at (613) 943-0790. If you live outside the National Capital Region, call 1-866-665-6623 (toll-free).

Q22. How long will I have to wait before a decision is made on my application?

A22. You will be notified within four to six weeks of the date of receipt of your application. All applicants, however, may inquire at any time about the status of their applications by contacting the AUAF Administrator.

Q23. Will I be able to consult with senior scientists?

A23. You will have access to senior scientists to discuss the scientific approach to your research project and the results thereof. Limited consultation will be provided as required at no additional cost. The need for extended consultations should be discussed before a project gets under way and may represent additional costs for the project.

Q24. How are intellectual property rights assigned?

A24. The assignment of intellectual property rights will be made following discussions among the academic researcher, his or her university, and Natural Resources Canada.

Q25. Will training be provided?

A25. Yes. Training on specific equipment and in related health and safety aspects will be provided as required. These needs will be determined when contractual arrangements are made, prior to the initiation of the project.

Q26. Is travel support available for students?

A26. Yes. CANMET-MTL will provide limited funding on a case-by-case basis to assist students with the costs of travelling between their universities and CANMET-MTL. Please see Travel Funds for Graduate Students for further information.

Q27. Who qualifies for travel support?

A27. Students enrolled in Canadian universities who are part of an approved AUAF research project are eligible to receive financial assistance for travelling costs provided that this need has been identified in the application. Travel funds allocated annually in support of the AUAF are limited and will be disbursed largely on the basis of "first-come, first-served." Special consideration, however, will be given to candidates who must travel significant distances from the Academic User Access Facility.

Q28. How much travel support will I receive?

A28. The amount of financial assistance received for travelling costs will depend upon the needs expressed in the application and the availability of travel funds at the time of submission of the application. The information contained in the application should therefore describe the need for students to travel as part of the project, the number of times that travel will be required, and the amount of travel assistance requested.

Q29. What restrictions or requirements apply to my visiting or working at the CANMET-MTL facility?

A29. All AUAF participants will be required to comply with Government of Canada regulations (for example security, health and safety) in effect at the time of their visit. Specific requirements will be determined based on individual circumstances such as the length and nature of the visit, level of expertise, and experience.

Q30. What can I expect when coming on-site to observe or conduct work at the Academic User Access Facility?

A30. Your needs will be assessed prior to your arrival and the necessary arrangements will be made to provide you with the services and tools you will require to conduct your work. CANMET-MTL will endeavour to meet the needs of the research projects, including orientation and workstations for personnel conducting research on site.

Q31. How will I know when my activity is scheduled?

A31. Once your project is approved, your CANMET-MTL Contact or the AUAF Administrator will contact you about the scheduling of activities. Your scheduling needs will be taken into account.

Q32. What happens if, due to unforeseen circumstances, work cannot be performed as scheduled?

A32. Appropriate action, in the event of unexpected circumstances such as equipment breakdown or if someone falls ill, will be determined through consultation between the academic researchers and staff at the Academic User Access Facility.

Q33. Can I publish the results of my research?

A33. Yes. We encourage researchers to submit papers on the outcomes of their research to scholarly journals for publication. Appropriate acknowledgement of the CANMET-MTL Academic User Access Facility is expected.

Q34. Is there a toll-free telephone number?

A34. Yes. You can call us toll-free (within Canada) by dialing 1-866-665-6623.

Last Updated: 2005-08-23
Important Notices