
Energy efficiency program reaches next step (04/08/20)

NB 889

Aug. 20, 2004

FREDERICTON (CNB) - The provincial cabinet has given the green light to the Department of Energy to proceed with the next step in developing an energy efficiency program for the province. This will include releasing a white paper on the general scope of the program and consulting stakeholders to gain their input.

Energy efficiency programs, and Demand-Side Management in the electricity sector, are cost-effective alternatives to building new generating facilities, purchasing power supplies, or increasing transmission and distribution networks.

These initiatives will not only benefit homeowners, businesses, institutions and industry, they are also a very effective way to reduce greenhouse gas and other air emissions and stimulate the economy.

"We are very pleased to see our efforts on energy efficiency progress to this stage," Energy Minister Bruce Fitch said. "We are on the threshold of launching the most comprehensive energy efficiency program that New Brunswick has ever seen."

The creation of an energy efficiency program comes from recommendations in the province's Energy Policy, released in 2001. The department has researched a number of different methods of establishing a program and is ready to move forward following consultation.

Fitch said his department and government are pleased to be following up on this important recommendation.

While other jurisdictions have recently launched energy efficiency programs, Fitch said it is important that the New Brunswick version is designed for the province's own specific needs.

The goals outlined in the white paper, which is anticipated to be released this fall, will concentrate on improved efficiency in all sectors, reducing electricity demand to mitigate the need for additional large power plants, maintaining competitive rates, and reducing greenhouse gases.

When the energy efficiency program is finalized, it will provide the market with the tools it needs to deliver more efficient products and services in the areas of lighting, heating, ventilation and industrial processing, and the switching of fuels.

"We have seen in recent years that demand for electricity in our province continues to grow, but new supply is expensive," Fitch said. "Typically there are increased supply requirements for short periods during the coldest times of the year. There are ways that must be examined to address this situation - with lower risks and cost than building new power plants."

He said government is looking forward to consulting many groups prior to finalizing its energy efficiency program. Consultations will be held with electricity distributors, energy suppliers such as natural gas and oil companies, home building associations, industry, conservation groups, federal government officials, and various provincial government departments. Comments from the general public will be accepted as well.

Experience in other jurisdictions shows that energy efficiency, besides being good for the environment, is a much more cost-effective way of meeting energy demands than accessing new electricity sources - in the long run this is much better for ratepayers and taxpayers of the province.


MEDIA CONTACT: Danielle McFarlane, Communications New Brunswick, 506-457-4999.


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