Government of New Brunswick
Department of Family and Community Services
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Who are the children who can't wait for families?

In order to give prospective adoptive parents a better idea of the children who are waiting for adoption, we have provided three composite examples of the children who may be adopted through the Department of Family and Community Services. (Names of the children have been changed.)


Sarah, eight (8) years old, is very sociable and fun-loving. She loves to play outdoors and drive her bicycle. She likes having a friend to play with despite having some difficulties with peer interaction. Sarah loves to play with her dolls and always wants to be the "mom." She is very nurturing when she plays with her dolls.

Her teacher reports that she is doing well at school. Sarah likes to be in control and she appears to have some issues with attachment. She can exhibit temper tantrums, be defiant and uncooperative. But Sarah can also be a sweet, loving child. Since being prescribed Clondoine by her pediatrician, her behaviour has improved. She has been involved in play therapy, which must continue. She is cooperative and willingly participates in therapy.

Sarah has lived in her present foster home since 1997. This is Sarah's second foster home since the Department originally became involved with her birth family in 1995. Her foster parents are willing to work with Sarah and her adoptive family during the transition from their home to her adoptive home.

Sarah would do best in an adoptive family where she is the only child or where any siblings are older. She needs strong, committed parents who are willing to deal with her behaviour and seek the ongoing therapy she requires. Sarah needs an English-speaking adoptive family.

Marc, Edith and Steven

Marc, ten (10) years old, Edith, nine (9) years old and Steven, six (6) years old are a sibling group of three who need to live together with a permanent family.

Marc is a charming, handsome young man. He is described as being a kind, polite child who appreciates what he is given, likes to share and likes to help others. He is a hyperactive child who has been prescribed Ritalin-Risperdale to help control his behaviour. He is involved in minor disputes at school from time to time and has some learning difficulties. He loves fishing, playing hockey and playing outdoors, as well as various craft activities.

Edith is an easy-going, expressive little girl. She is very polite, respectful and helpful. She can be emotional and cries easily. She is described as being a pretty child who is very feminine in her interests. She enjoys playing with dolls and her stuffed bears as well as colouring. She is not experiencing any learning difficulties in school.

Steven is an affectionate child who loves to cuddle. He always has a broad smile and shares readily with others. He can be stubborn. He is capable of forming relationships with other children his own age, even though he has had a few minor incidents on the school ground. Steven likes to build things with Lego blocks, play with cars and make puzzles.

This sibling group of three needs a Francophone adoptive family who can offer them stability, affection and consistency.

Jane and Susan

Jane, six (6) years of age and Susan, four (4) years of age are sisters who need a permanent home where they can live together.

Jane is a very bright and inquisitive little girl. She plays well alone. She loves music, singing, playing on the trampoline and doing puzzles. Jane loves being read to at bedtime. She has demonstrated fear of thunderstorms and of the swimming pool at her foster parents' home. Since Jane initially came into care, she has become more animated, more affectionate and wants to connect with people but at times does not know how. She responds to positive reinforcements, as well as a nurturing environment with a consistent and structured routine. She will attempt to control her environment in subtle ways and will respond in a more positive manner by being offered choices. Jane is also protective of her younger sister, Susan.

Susan is a bright, happy little girl. She plays well alone and loves to swim in the foster parents' pool but is timid on the trampoline. There have been many positive changes in her behaviour since she was initially brought into care. Susan now solicits and gives affection. Her temper tantrums are less intense in frequency and duration. Susan's speech and language have progressed rapidly. She has responded positively to a nurturing environment combined with consistent structure and routine. She enjoys participating in outings with her foster family and their extended family.

Jane and Susan need an English-speaking adoptive family who would be open to some degree of contact with the girls' birth father.

Department of Family and Community Services
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