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EnerGuide for Existing Buildings (EEB)


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EnerGuide for Existing Buildings

Natural Resources Canada's Office of Energy Efficiency (OEE) can help you improve energy efficiency in your institutional and commercial buildings. EnerGuide for Existing Buildings (EEB), formerly known as the Energy Innovators Initiative, works with a network of partners and service providers across Canada to provide financial assistance, publications, training and tools for commercial business, public institutions and other eligible organizations. After joining EEB, members can access our Energy Retrofit Assistance funding for retrofit planning activities and implementation projects.

Our section on first steps offers an overview of energy efficiency concepts in buildings, and our buildings, industry and equipment page offers quick links to initiatives and incentives for various types of facilities.


Gigajoule and Energy Intensity Calculator
Simple Payback Calculator (Lighting)
Energy Management Plans

What's New

September 15, 2006
The September 15, 2006 deadline for submitting ERA proposals is now expired. Currently, the program has received proposals exceeding its financial capacity. The program may consider additional applications until December 15, 2006, if funds are still available.

July 28, 2006
Updated client guides and forms in the Password Zone.

July 21, 2006
New policy updates, including a new proposal form and payment structure for implementation projects, as well as new deadlines

July 7, 2006
The EEB funding has been confirmed until March 31, 2007. The program will be accepting applications for Energy Retrofit Assistance until September 15, 2006. Applications received after this date may be considered on a case-by-case basis until funding is depleted.


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