Volunteer Fire Service Recognition Day

Environment and Labour

October 11, 2006 15:56

Nova Scotians can take the time to recognize the contributions of volunteer firefighters on Sunday, Oct. 15, Volunteer Fire Service Recognition Day.

"The role of volunteer firefighters is forever expanding. As problems such as natural and man-made disasters become more frequent, volunteer firefighters are vital to the protection of all Nova Scotians," said Mark Parent, Minister of Environment and Labour.

In Nova Scotia, volunteer firefighters are not only first responders in emergency situations, they organize community events and functions, and teach citizens fire prevention techniques.

"As Nova Scotia celebrates Volunteer Fire Service Recognition Day, I thank all the men and women who give of themselves for their community," said Mr. Parent. "Your commitment and dedication go a long way in creating a safe and healthy Nova Scotia."

There are 314 fire departments across the province and 307 of them are volunteer-only departments. Currently, there are 8,000 Nova Scotians who volunteer in fire service.


     Nova Scotia's volunteer firefighters will be recognized

on Sunday (October 15th), Volunteer Fire Service Recognition Day.

     Mark Parent, Minister of Environment and Labour, thanks the

8,000 volunteer firefighters across the province for their

commitment towards creating a safe and healthy Nova Scotia.

     In Nova Scotia, there are 314 fire departments and 307 are



Media Contact: Janet Lynn McNeil
              Environment and Labour
              E-mail: mcneiljl@gov.ns.ca