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Teaching materials

The Weather Network Media Sponsor

Facing Fear™ is a flexible curriculum aimed at helping young people aged 5-16 be prepared for disasters and deal with the aftermath of terrorism and tragic events, whether they occur at home or elsewhere in the world. Some of its concepts and activities were adapted from the American Red Cross Facing Fear program.

The program features lesson plans for teachers and includes hands-on interactive activities for the classroom that will help students and their families prepare for disasters and provide them with tools to sort out their feelings and fears.

This curriculum's components complement the lessons in core classroom subjects that teachers are already teaching. Based on the students' abilities, their interests and their experiences, a teacher can determine which lesson plans to present and how extensively to cover them.

An important goal of this program is to involve families in the curriculum as well as in household disaster preparedness. To this end, “Home connection” segments of the lesson plans offer opportunities to enhance parental involvement in the experiences covered in the classroom.

The program is comprised of four modules, each intended for a specific student age group. Thus, Module 1 is intended for students aged 5-7. Module 2 targets students aged 8-10. Module 3 is aimed at students aged 11-13 and Module 4 is for young people aged 14-16. Each module helps young people deal with feelings, facts and the future, in relation to terrorist events, conflicts or other tragic events.

The Facing Fear™ program complements the Expect the Unexpected™ curriculum, which provides lesson plans and activities about natural hazards and general family disaster preparedness.

Teachers and educators are encouraged to reproduce Facing Fear™ teaching materials for their use in the classroom. However, the documents cannot be reproduced, in part nor in total, for any other purpose without the written permission of The Canadian Red Cross Society.

For more information on disaster preparedness intended for youth, please visit: