Nova Scotia - Emergency Measures Organization

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Preparing for a Flood

Flooding can occur at any time as a result of sewer backup, leaks, broken water mains, torrential rainfalls, and sudden ice thaws. Weather disasters, such as hurricanes and storm surges, can bring about catastrophic flooding conditions. There are a number of precautions you can take to reduce the harmful effects to your home and property.

Preparing Your Home For a Flood

  • Improve drainage by sloping grounds away from your home.
  • Install a sump pump in your basement.
  • Prepare plugs for basement drains and install sewer backup valves.

When a Flood Warning is Issued

  • Set aside a supply of drinking water, in case your supply becomes contaminated.
  • Disconnect eaves troughs that drain into sewer.
  • Remove all chemicals from basement.
  • Move furniture and personal belongings to a higher floor.
  • If your property is close to water, pile sandbags on shore.
  • Put away lawn furniture, planters, picnic tables, small boats or anything that could be swept away in a flood.

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