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Disaster Response:
What to do During a Hurricane

Important: Stay inside

  • Monitor local radio stations.
  • Be ready to evacuate. In severe conditions, if you live on the coast or in low-lying areas near the coast, you may be advised to move inland and to higher ground.
  • Board over windows or protect them with storm shutters or tape.
  • Stay away from windows and glass doors. You could be injured by broken glass or flying debris.
  • Do not use the telephone as these lines need to be as free as possible for official use.
  • Find shelter in a basement, under a set of stairs, in a closet or a small windowless room preferably away from exterior walls.
  • Do not go down to the shoreline or beach to watch the storm. The high winds create huge waves at sea which, when they reach the shore, may become extremely powerful and suddenly sweep you away.

Evacuation information

When asked to evacuate:

  • Leave immediately. Ignoring warnings to evacuate your home could jeopardize the safety of your household members and of those people who might eventually have to come to your rescue.
  • Take your household survival kit with you.
  • Listen to the radio and television channels, following instructions from local emergency officials.
  • If you are instructed to do so, shut off water, gas and electricity.
  • Lock the house.
  • If you have time, leave a note telling others when you left and where you went.
  • Follow the routes specified by officials. Do not take shortcuts because a shortcut could lead to a blocked or dangerous area.