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Pesticides Control
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Choose Pesticides Wisely

Before You Decide to Spray

Before You Decide to Spray

Identify - - the pest problem. Is it a disease, weed or insect? Different pesticides are needed to control different pests. Insecticides control insects, herbicides control weeds and fungicides control fungal diseases.  They are all pesticides. You should always identify the pest problem before you use a pesticide. If there are no obvious signs of a pest, have the soil tested to ensure that the problem is not because of a nutrient deficiency or low soil pH.

Do you have a problem? - Sometimes pesticide applications are not practical or effective.  Sometimes the problem may be too much or too little water, winter kill, frost damage, wind damage, or even a lack of sunlight.   There is a tendency to reach for the sprayer first and ask questions later, especially with insect pests. Determine first, if the number of pests warrant using a pesticide. There are many beneficial insects that do not harm plants and some that actually feed on pest insects. These should be preserved in the garden. Many diseases are caused by poor nutrition rather than pests.


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