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Smoke Detectors

Frequently asked questions about Smoke Detectors

What is a smoke detector?

Smoke detector is a devise that is powered either by battery or by the structures electrical system, they are able to detect visible or invisible particals that are the produced by combustion and is designed to sound an alarm in the room or area that it is installed in.

Do Smoke detectors Really Save Lives?

If smoke detectors are maintained and installed properly they will save lives. According to NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) if you have a working smoke detector in your home your chances of dying from a fire in your home are cut in half. Smoke detectors are only one part of a fire protection plan for you household, you must still have a escape plan and practise safe fire prevention.

Where Should I install a smoke detector and how many do I need?

Smoke detectors should be installed on all living levels of your home. They should be located outside or next to sleeping areas in your home, for additional safety smoke detectors can be installed in every bedroom of the house. When installing a smoke detector you should place them either on the high part of a wall or on the ceiling, you should always mount the detector six inches from a corner (wall meets the ceiling) these areas have a dead air space where there is not much air flow a could delay the detector in picking up smoke particals. Be sure to follow the manufactures recommendations for installation, testing and maintenance.

Why does smoke detector keep giving false alarms?

If your smoke detector sounds off an alarm for no reason or there is no sign of smoke there are a couple of things you should check. Sometimes dust will affect smoke detectors and set them off if this is the case simply run the vacuum hose over the smoke detector to clean out any dust. Sometimes smoke detectors are mounted to close to Kitchen stoves where the smallest partical of smoke can set them off or they are mounted to close to a bathroom where steam from a shower can also set them off. You may here a small chirping sound from you detector this is usually an indication that the battery is low. You may also have a detector that is worn out, smoke detector`s have a life of usually 10 years, if your detector is that old the Fire Marshal`s Office recommends that you replace it.

Are There different types of Smoke Detectors?

There are two types of smoke detectors sold on the market today ionization and photoelectric. The difference between the two is the method of detecting the smoke particals one uses a radioactive chamber and the other uses a photo cell. The Fire Marshal recommends either type of detector as long as they are ULC certified. There are also two different ways of powering smoke detectors either by battery or by hard wire (the buildings electrical system). If you are using batteries you must make sure that the batteries are changed every six months. The best time to change your batteries is when the clocks change in the spring and fall.

What do I do when the Smoke Detector Sounds the Alarm?

Being wakened in the middle of the night by a smoke detector can be a frighting and disorienting experience even for adults so it is important to plan your escape in advance before an emergency. Always plan two ways out of your home in case one exit can not be used. Test your smoke detector regularly so you know that it is working and everyone knows what it sounds like.

In case of a fire get out of the house immediately and have everyone go to there designated meeting place, designate a place on your property for every one go to so you will know if everyone is out and have one person go to the neighbours to call 911. When reporting a fire give your name and address and tell the dispatcher if there is any left in the house.

Smoke Detectors Save Live, Fire Safety In Your Home Starts With You!!!!!!!!!!

A combination of a family escape plan and properly installed and maintained smoke detectors can save the lives of you and your family in the case of fire.

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