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Safety Tips

Fire Extinguishers at Home
Ten Winter Fire Safety Tips
Seven Deadly Safety Sins
Electrical Appliance Safety
Smoke Detectors Work
Fire Safety for People with Disabilities
Reduce the Risk of Electrical Fires at Home
Gasoline Safety Tips
The Children's Safety Zone
Test Your Fire Safety IQ
What to do when lights & sirens approach
Overloaded Electrical Circuits
Summer Safety Tips - Ahh, Summer

Fire Safety for the Disabled

Always Plan Ahead For Emergencies

Talk to someone about what you should do incase of fire. Your family, friends, the fire department or a social service agency should help you develop an escape plan you can practice. And be sure to practice with the people who live nearby. Their assistance and appropriate actions may be critical in helping you successfully escape a fire.

Here Are Some Good Ideas....

Try To Live Near An Exit

If you live in an apartment, try to occupy one on the ground floor. If you're in a two-story house, arrange to sleep on the first floor, and be sure to have a telephone by your bed. Being closer to the ground and an exit will facilitate your escape in a fire. If necessary, have a ramp constructed for emergency exits.

Install Smoke Detectors

Working detectors can mean the critical difference in a fire. Test your alarms weekly and change batteries at least once a year. Be sure that you have enough smoke detectors and that they are properly placed.

Dial 911

Make sure your home is clearly numbered and, if you have a disability, you might let the fire department know about your special needs. In case of fire, always get out first, if you can, then call the fire department even if fire fighters have already arrived. If you are trapped inside, give the dispatcher your exact room location.

Plan Your Escape

You should have at least two ways out of every room. If one is a window, be sure you know how to open it and make sure it opens easily. If you live in an apartment, know where the exit stairs are. Never take an elevator during an emergency - it might take you to the fire, or it might get stuck!

What To Do In Case Of Fire

Get Out, Stay Out

Go as quickly as possible, leaving all possessions behind. And never go back in - you may not get back out. Call the fire department from outside.

Crawl Low In Smoke

If you can, crawl low while you exit. Smoke rises and cleaner air is nearer the floor.

Stop, Drop and Roll

If your clothes catch fire, let yourself down and roll. This will smother the fire. If you have physical limitations, someone else may need to smother the fire with a blanket or rug. Fanning the flames with your hands will not help - in fact, your hands may be severely burned.

Cool A Burn

Your best first aid is cool water which helps prevent further skin damage. Keep running cool after on burns until the pain stops. Salve or butter only traps in heat. If charred skin or blisters appear seek medical attention immediately.

Keep Doors Closed

Always sleep with your bedroom door closed, making sure the smoke alarm is audible or that you have an emergency light to alert you. If you hear your detector alarm, smell smoke or suspect fire, feel the door. If hot, try your other exit; if not, slowly open it but be prepared to close it if smoke or flames rush in.

If You Are Trapped

Put closed doors between you and smoke. Stuff cracks and cover vents to keep smoke out. If there is a phone in the rom, call the fire department and let them know you are trapped. Give them your exact location. Keeping low, put a wet cloth over your nose and wait at the window, signalling with sheet or flashlight. Do not break the window.

Stop A Fire Before It Starts

Check Out Appliances

Make sure all plugs and cords are in good condition, and repair or replace any worn or broken appliances.

Take Care in the Kitchen

Be especially careful in lighting matches or using the stove. Wear close-fitting sleeves when you cook. If a pan catches fire, smother it with a lid.

Space Heaters Need Their Space

Keep space heaters at least three feet from everything - especially you. A slight brush against some models could cause a clothing fire.

Take Care When Smoking

Always have large, deep ashtrays around for smokers. Never empty ashes into garbage cans or wastebaskets until they're soaked in water. Check upholstered furniture for dropped cigarettes or matches. Never smoke in bed or while on medication that might cause drowsiness.


© 2005 City of Vancouver

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